Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

The Inkwell Chronicles: Operation Bungaree, Book 3 by J. D. Peabody Book Review

This is the third book in the series and the final book. He does leave the ending open just in case the characters were to return soon for a fourth adventure. The book begins with a drawing of the robot, Archytas-17 and how he is designed. Deep down in her heart, Bea knew that Everett had to still be alive in the comic book. She heard the special ink telling her that he was trapped when he did leap reading. He had fell into a crater that turned out to be a volcano. She tried to shake the page and shouted his name like she had done in the past. This time, he wouldn’t come back despite all of her efforts. Everett fought with Eddie Montbanks and he was telling him how much he hated him for ruining his life. He kicked him and forced him to travel down into the empty space and he heard the comic book page tearing away. This is when he realized that he could do the lead reading and go to the very last page of the comic. Everett is trapped in the manual hidden within the comic book alongside a robot named, Archyatas-17. He has no idea how to get out or communicate with the outside world. There are two main villains in the book, Cyno and Eddie, which one of them is trying to kill him and the other is searching for power and money. The villains added a mixture of conflict and made readers wonder how Everett would make it out alive. 



I would recommend this book to anyone who has read the previous book and I think it does help to read them all in order to follow along. I think the series would be great for ages 6-10. It’s written as a chapter book and could help them to improve their reading skills. It was reading interesting to read about the communication between Bea and Everett and how they did discover a secret way to connect using music. I enjoyed the humor the robot brought to the story and how attention-grabbing this character was to the plot. The inking concept brings something magically to the story and instills creativity to the reader. 





“I received this book free from Worthy Publishing for my honest review.”






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A Real Good Life: Discover the Simple Moments that Bring Joy, Connection, and Love by Stevie Hendrix and Sazan Hendrix Book Review

They begin the book by sharing how important is to live the good life and to realize that this one day is an investment in the good life. We can learn to stay in the present. They looked at how we can build our mornings and run each day headed in the right direction. Reflecting on our intentions and be intention about choosing what we pay attention to. They shared the gaze strategy and how they set how they will be intention daily. Some of these included getting up an hour earlier, setting out clothes, reading the Bible, and taking time for yourselves. They covered how critical it is to build a good day by first looking in the mirror and speaking out positive words. When we speak negative words looking in the mirror it won’t help us in living the good life. They shared how everyone is different and how God has made us unique and two people are the same. David also explained how God created us in our mother’s womb and we are fearfully and wonderfully made. They enclosed some examples to assist us in writing down how we see ourselves and making simple declarations over our lives. They broke down how we can ask ourselves questions such as, is it true and who said it. They continued different things to do during midday, evening, and nighttime. 





I would recommend this awesome book on living the good life and rediscovering your joy and peace. I liked how they covered a wide range of topics such as finding people who sharpen you, love you, and challenge you, and gather and doing life with them. I liked how the book when back and forth between both writers and told their sides of the stories. There was also an impactful story about her brother’s cancer journey and how showing up and gathering together can make the difference. There are tons of lessons enclosed in this book about living the good life and they will help you to refocus on what’s important. 

“I received this book free from Thomas Nelson for my honest review.”






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God's Not Dead: In God We Trust Movie Review and Giveaway

‘God's Not Dead' is the Most Successful Faith Franchise of All Time

• This film is more crucial than ever, especially during this election year. Be part of the conversation that’s igniting hearts and minds everywhere. This is more than a movie; it's a movement!

• Don't miss your chance to witness the inspirational and powerful story of "God's Not Dead: In God We Trust"! Experience the faith, hope, and triumph of this must-see film and be moved by the message to stand up and be heard in the public square.

• Pastor Dave reminds us that we have the greatest blessing in that we are children of the Living God, and as Americans, the greatest title in the world: citizens of the United States of America.

• The film is engaging with a captivating story and has a renowned cast that keeps the whole family entertained allowing families and friends to discuss how to engage in this current political climate with courage. Most importantly, this film that demonstrates Christians should be optimistic, excited, and hopeful about the future.


• The film stars David A. R. White (GOD’S NOT DEAD, Evening Shade), Isaiah Washington (Grey’s Anatomy), Dean Cain (Lois & Clark), Samaire Armstrong, (The O.C.), Ray Wise (ROBO COP), Scott Baio (Happy Days), Charlene Tilton (Dallas), with guest appearances by Governor Mike Huckabee and Newsboys.


• God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust is in theaters Sept. 12th in association with Great American Pure Flix and Fathom

• This film is uplifting and relevant just like Mr. Smith Goes to Washington was 85 years ago in that Pastor Dave approaches politics with moral courage, loves his country, stands up to corruption, and represents the principles that made America great and continue to make America great.




• Synopsis: Amid political and spiritual turmoil, Reverend David Hill steps up to run for Congress after an incumbent's sudden death. Battling against Peter Kane, who aims to erase religion from policy, David's fight becomes a beacon of hope and optimism for people seeking moral leadership in a divided world.



My Review:



This is the 5th movie in the installment of the series. This one is different from the others because of how they added the pastor running for Congress. I thought the film was very timely being released right before the election. The film attempts to encourage people to vote especially at the end of the movie. This film is a classic battle between separating church and state. The pastor has a mission to deliver hope to a nation that has become hopeless. The cast special highlights are Governor Mike Huckabee playing himself and the Newsboys singing and also the band talking a little. There is even a newer song from the Newsboys that is featured in the movie. The major cast members are David A. R. White which has been all the films as the pastor, Dean Cain (which has been in popular films and many Christmas movies, Isaiah Washington (Grey’s Anatomy), Samaire Armstrong, (The O.C.), Ray Wise (Fresh off the Boat and X-men: First Class), just to touch on a few. I really liked how Ray Wise played the opposing politician and did an excellent job in portraying one. I really enjoyed the debates and the conflicts that was spread throughout the film. There is also a fun twist from one of the characters that people won’t see coming but it helps the film along. I liked how the film tried to help others realize the power that is in the people and how we have a voice and we can take back our power. This starts with voting and putting back our trust in God as a nation. 






Jean’s interview w/ female lead, Samaire Armstrong:



• Buy tickets today to see God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust in theaters starting September 12th!




Buy Tickets:


Giveaway: $10 Amazon giftcard





Many thanks to Pinnacle Peak Pictures for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

How You Got Your Name by Trey Kennedy Book Review

This book is authored by popular comedian and social media video creator, Trey Kennedy. This book is a book detailing how a children received their name. It offered a clue to children as to where parents got their idea for their special name. The father explained how important a name is and how they brainstormed ideas and wrote down lists. They explained how they would go everywhere and invest into naming their kid. They traveled to the playground and park and thought of jungle gym, swing set, seesaw, tubular slide, poo, and much more. They went to the grocery store, park, movies, nature, and all sorts of fun areas. At the end of each suggestion, they would ask questions such as, “what grocery item would make a good name” in order to get our kids to think of new names that they would use. This book is a fun activity book on naming children. They revealed how they came to pick out his name and how it chose him. 



This book is a very impactful book on exploring where our names we chose for our kids came from. It’s a fun little activity and discussion we can have with our children reading a bedtime story. I enjoyed how colorful the illustrations were and how everything flowed together. The questions were great in exploring names and made it fun for kids. It provided a way for parents to connect with their children on sharing how they brainstormed their name. I liked he at the end tie God into the book and shared how the Creator even says our name. I would say that it’s written for kids age 3 to 8 and would make a wonderful gift for birthdays and Christmas. 




“I received this book free from Thomas Nelson for my honest review.”






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Check out his posts:


Exposure: How an Outlier’s Journey Illuminates the Extremes of Power, Vitality, and Possibility by Wim Hof Book Review

Wim Hof is known as the real life, Iceman since he has personally beat records of conducting ice challenges. He received his first Guinness World Record in 1999, in Paris. He sat with his body in the cold for 30 full minutes. He explained to readers the importance of slowly working your way up in cold conditions. He shared how he had near death experiences from his high-risk challenges. He believed that he was an outcast and for the longest time, he was searching for a way to understand his soul on a deeper level. He has written this book to encourage readers to fully live their lives. We can have our heart and soul and to learn to laugh along the way. We can all do more than we think that we can. He has learned a lot by living in nature. He shared how he met his good friend, Henry and how he has been along for the ride to photography his adventures. He also discussed how he met his wife, Olaya and they had four children together. He shared about how she was in a very dark place in her life. She eventually ended her life in 1995. He explained how being in the cold conditions helped him to live and to heal. He learned how to breathe properly. This helped him to feel his body and to have energy. This taught him discipline and sticking with what you commit too. He learned to love to climb rocks, kayaked, and explored nature throughout the world in different areas. He opened up about how yoga helped him and he grew in his flexibility. 



It was crazy in seeing the photos through the book and how he did all sorts of wild adventures. It was interesting to also see how flexibility he was and his body was in some weird positions that I personally couldn’t do. There are tons of beautiful photography that really helped the book along. It was very eye opening also to read about his lost and how it helped him to overcome his own personal loss and grief. He encouraged readers to live their lives in nature and to seek the light. It doesn’t have to be extreme adventures like he has done. It could help us in our own thinking and to refocus. I liked how he enclosed small poems in each chapter to teach us lessons. I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is ready to learn more about his breathing method and to fully embrace true living. 



“I received this book free from Sounds True for my honest review.”






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My Name Is Love: We're Not All That Different by Troy Hadeed Book Review


He shared how his name come from an Irish-bred and English thoroughbred racehorse name, Troy. He explained how the cover photo of the book come to be and how it embraced love. This book is a collection of stories and personal reflections all centered around the scope of love. He begins the book by redefining who God is and he strongly believes in God. He isn’t referring to a religion God can be different ideas to others. Although this isn’t a religious book, he does discuss a little about his love of Christ and how it has influenced him. He opened up about yoga and how he learned the importance of being still and listening. In the book, he explored the mind and how it is our ride or die. We can’t avoid our minds but he has realized in his yoga training how many of us are afraid to be alone in our thoughts. He explained how critical this to have an intimacy and connection with our minds. The beginning of our foundation is in our minds and this leads to a good relationship with ourselves and others. He went on to describe what meditation is an act of being. He revealed the significance of breath and how to breath properly. He enclosed a short breathing exercise. 






I would recommend this awesome book about love to anyone who is ready to love ourselves and to love others. There were countless principles teaching others how to accept one another for who they are to love. I liked how he included a little about Christ and how this helped to influence him to love others. I also liked how he explored gratitude and how to be present to connect with the stillness and our minds. I immensely liked the yoga aspect in included to convey the message of the book and how this practice can also provide us with peace. I also liked in the book how he included personal stories throughout it like how he six-time surfing champion, took a journey throughout Central American in the jungle, and spend ten days meditating. The book was very interesting to read and a wonderful one about love and how we can grow in our relationship with ourselves. 


“I received this book free from Vatula Publishing for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on 

The Life in Christ Bible Review and Giveaway


God has a purpose for your life in this moment. You have a part to play in what He is doing in the world. But knowing why you are here starts with knowing who God says you are. The Life in Christ Bible invites you to embrace your identity and purpose as you:

• Discover why you matter-not because of anything you do, but because you are made in the image of God.

• Explore how the gospel of Jesus Christ makes you a new person.

• Learn how who God says you are changes how you think, speak, work, and move through the world.

• Order your copy of The Life in Christ Bible today!

• Embrace your purpose as you discover why you matter, how the Gospel makes you a new person, and learn how that changes the way you think, speak, work, and move through the world.

My Review:


I would recommend this Bible to anyone who is ready to discover who they are in Christ and their purpose for God’s Kingdom. I liked how the Bible started off with an introduction about what the Bible is, how it was written, the central message of the Bible, and much more. I liked how they discussed how we can get to know God and how God had a plan from the beginning to rescue us from our sins. This Bible has special goal to help readers to realize their identify in Christ often our image is destroyed when we are weighted down by our past sins. They explained how the Gospel has the objective to help us restore our identity and our relationship with Christ. We are a new creation in Christ. The Bible has a very impactful lists that enclosed, “knowing my identity as an image-bearer, knowing my identity in Christ, and living my identity in Christ.” Some of these included I create, I matter, I worship, I am an ambassador, I am chosen, I am redeemed, I live with self-control, I live with joy, and so much on these lists. I enjoyed the identity articles covering topics such as parenting, worth, gender, ethnicity, marriage, image of God, work, just to name a few. The Bible contained book introductions, 1,000 refenced notes, 70 articles touching on 16 identity focus topics, 17 charts, Bible reading plans, and topical index. I really liked how the Bible had verses on the sides of the pages like small highlights that they would tie back into our identity in Christ. I think this Bible is excellent in how it relates verses back into who we are in Christ and this can literally change our lives. 

One of the identity topics discussed our value in the world’s eyes. We all want to feel like we are valuable and matter to others. We get twisted when we see that the world places a value and our worth on our abilities such as a sports athlete. The author reminded us that no matter how hard we try and how much we try and accomplish someday someone else will rise above us and try and outshine us. As we age, we will lose some of our abilities and speed even actors and singers can’t always keep performing. They explained how not every employee can be employee of the month every month. Some of us find our worth in our possessions and how much money we have. All of these are temporary and can fade fast. They clarified how in the Book of Ecclesiastes we can discover key features about our identity and worth. The author of this book of the Bible is believed to be written by King Solomon. He had wealth, many wives, servants, and had everything. He ended the chapter with how everything is vanity. He had to look unto God to find true meaning and value. 

Check out this video discussing the Bible:

Giveaway: 1 copy of The Life in Christ Bible




Many thanks to HarperCollins Christian Publishing for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Finding the Extra in Ordinary: Embracing the Beauty of the Christian Life by Jeff Simmons Book Review

This book begins by explaining how we are created to be extraordinary. We are more than just a number or a statistic. Each one of us has a purpose and a why we are here. He shared how the disciples were ordinary people. Until they met Jesus and their world was forever changed. In the book, he revealed how he received an invitation from a guy named, Steve. He was one of his church members. He personally asked him if he would help a couple renewal their 50-year wedding vows. They wanted him to officiate the wedding service. This turned out to be Dolly Parton and her husband, Carl. He shared how she has amazing generosity she decided to take pictures with her husband and sell the photos to benefit her Imagination Library program. This program gives and mails out free books to children until they are age 5. This program is all over national and it doesn’t matter the family’s income. He explained how Dolly lives a life that is anything but ordinary. She has a heart of gold to give back to others and she rose from poverty. He shared how Jesus chose people like Moses, Peter, John, and Mary to make a difference. It has been noted that Christ followers living for God’s purpose and not seeking their own has made the most influence and impact in the entire world. In the book, he explored fear, investing, choosing joy, make the most of every single day, listening, and much more. 



One of my favorite topics was about how words matter. Many of us can remember what negative words others have spoken about us. The words that are hurtful are the hardest to heal and the cut runs deeper. He realized how critical our words are and how impactful they can have on us. Scriptures remind us that we need to watch what comes out of our mouths. Good words can build up and can give grace to people who need to hear. He encouraged readers to always remember what is coming out of their mouths and be careful also with what we text. He also disclosed how we must watch what we say about ourselves. If we think and speak defeating words about us, we will live out what we call into being and be defeated. We are a new creation in Christ. 




I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is tired of ordinary living and they are ready to truly live. I liked how the book discussed singles and married couples and ideas on how we can seek out others to help us to discover our passions if we are struggling on where to find it. I immensely liked how he discussed setbacks and how they can lead to a new start. I liked how he also included real life people stories and how they live out their lives. He also discussed Mike Fisher and Carrie Underwood, Dolly Parton, Tim Tebow, Kathy Lee Gifford, and much more. It was interesting to read some about their stories and how they live out their lives to help others. This book is excellent in helping you to refine your life and what matters most. 








“I received this book free from Thomas Nelson for my honest review.”






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