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How You Got Your Name by Trey Kennedy Book Review

This book is authored by popular comedian and social media video creator, Trey Kennedy. This book is a book detailing how a children received their name. It offered a clue to children as to where parents got their idea for their special name. The father explained how important a name is and how they brainstormed ideas and wrote down lists. They explained how they would go everywhere and invest into naming their kid. They traveled to the playground and park and thought of jungle gym, swing set, seesaw, tubular slide, poo, and much more. They went to the grocery store, park, movies, nature, and all sorts of fun areas. At the end of each suggestion, they would ask questions such as, “what grocery item would make a good name” in order to get our kids to think of new names that they would use. This book is a fun activity book on naming children. They revealed how they came to pick out his name and how it chose him. 



This book is a very impactful book on exploring where our names we chose for our kids came from. It’s a fun little activity and discussion we can have with our children reading a bedtime story. I enjoyed how colorful the illustrations were and how everything flowed together. The questions were great in exploring names and made it fun for kids. It provided a way for parents to connect with their children on sharing how they brainstormed their name. I liked he at the end tie God into the book and shared how the Creator even says our name. I would say that it’s written for kids age 3 to 8 and would make a wonderful gift for birthdays and Christmas. 




“I received this book free from Thomas Nelson for my honest review.”






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