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The Life in Christ Bible Review and Giveaway


God has a purpose for your life in this moment. You have a part to play in what He is doing in the world. But knowing why you are here starts with knowing who God says you are. The Life in Christ Bible invites you to embrace your identity and purpose as you:

• Discover why you matter-not because of anything you do, but because you are made in the image of God.

• Explore how the gospel of Jesus Christ makes you a new person.

• Learn how who God says you are changes how you think, speak, work, and move through the world.

• Order your copy of The Life in Christ Bible today!

• Embrace your purpose as you discover why you matter, how the Gospel makes you a new person, and learn how that changes the way you think, speak, work, and move through the world.

My Review:


I would recommend this Bible to anyone who is ready to discover who they are in Christ and their purpose for God’s Kingdom. I liked how the Bible started off with an introduction about what the Bible is, how it was written, the central message of the Bible, and much more. I liked how they discussed how we can get to know God and how God had a plan from the beginning to rescue us from our sins. This Bible has special goal to help readers to realize their identify in Christ often our image is destroyed when we are weighted down by our past sins. They explained how the Gospel has the objective to help us restore our identity and our relationship with Christ. We are a new creation in Christ. The Bible has a very impactful lists that enclosed, “knowing my identity as an image-bearer, knowing my identity in Christ, and living my identity in Christ.” Some of these included I create, I matter, I worship, I am an ambassador, I am chosen, I am redeemed, I live with self-control, I live with joy, and so much on these lists. I enjoyed the identity articles covering topics such as parenting, worth, gender, ethnicity, marriage, image of God, work, just to name a few. The Bible contained book introductions, 1,000 refenced notes, 70 articles touching on 16 identity focus topics, 17 charts, Bible reading plans, and topical index. I really liked how the Bible had verses on the sides of the pages like small highlights that they would tie back into our identity in Christ. I think this Bible is excellent in how it relates verses back into who we are in Christ and this can literally change our lives. 

One of the identity topics discussed our value in the world’s eyes. We all want to feel like we are valuable and matter to others. We get twisted when we see that the world places a value and our worth on our abilities such as a sports athlete. The author reminded us that no matter how hard we try and how much we try and accomplish someday someone else will rise above us and try and outshine us. As we age, we will lose some of our abilities and speed even actors and singers can’t always keep performing. They explained how not every employee can be employee of the month every month. Some of us find our worth in our possessions and how much money we have. All of these are temporary and can fade fast. They clarified how in the Book of Ecclesiastes we can discover key features about our identity and worth. The author of this book of the Bible is believed to be written by King Solomon. He had wealth, many wives, servants, and had everything. He ended the chapter with how everything is vanity. He had to look unto God to find true meaning and value. 

Check out this video discussing the Bible:

Giveaway: 1 copy of The Life in Christ Bible




Many thanks to HarperCollins Christian Publishing for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own and are not influenced by monetary compensation.

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I'm excited to see the 1,000 referenced notes in this bible.


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