Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Exposure: How an Outlier’s Journey Illuminates the Extremes of Power, Vitality, and Possibility by Wim Hof Book Review

Wim Hof is known as the real life, Iceman since he has personally beat records of conducting ice challenges. He received his first Guinness World Record in 1999, in Paris. He sat with his body in the cold for 30 full minutes. He explained to readers the importance of slowly working your way up in cold conditions. He shared how he had near death experiences from his high-risk challenges. He believed that he was an outcast and for the longest time, he was searching for a way to understand his soul on a deeper level. He has written this book to encourage readers to fully live their lives. We can have our heart and soul and to learn to laugh along the way. We can all do more than we think that we can. He has learned a lot by living in nature. He shared how he met his good friend, Henry and how he has been along for the ride to photography his adventures. He also discussed how he met his wife, Olaya and they had four children together. He shared about how she was in a very dark place in her life. She eventually ended her life in 1995. He explained how being in the cold conditions helped him to live and to heal. He learned how to breathe properly. This helped him to feel his body and to have energy. This taught him discipline and sticking with what you commit too. He learned to love to climb rocks, kayaked, and explored nature throughout the world in different areas. He opened up about how yoga helped him and he grew in his flexibility. 



It was crazy in seeing the photos through the book and how he did all sorts of wild adventures. It was interesting to also see how flexibility he was and his body was in some weird positions that I personally couldn’t do. There are tons of beautiful photography that really helped the book along. It was very eye opening also to read about his lost and how it helped him to overcome his own personal loss and grief. He encouraged readers to live their lives in nature and to seek the light. It doesn’t have to be extreme adventures like he has done. It could help us in our own thinking and to refocus. I liked how he enclosed small poems in each chapter to teach us lessons. I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is ready to learn more about his breathing method and to fully embrace true living. 



“I received this book free from Sounds True for my honest review.”






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