Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

A Real Good Life: Discover the Simple Moments that Bring Joy, Connection, and Love by Stevie Hendrix and Sazan Hendrix Book Review

They begin the book by sharing how important is to live the good life and to realize that this one day is an investment in the good life. We can learn to stay in the present. They looked at how we can build our mornings and run each day headed in the right direction. Reflecting on our intentions and be intention about choosing what we pay attention to. They shared the gaze strategy and how they set how they will be intention daily. Some of these included getting up an hour earlier, setting out clothes, reading the Bible, and taking time for yourselves. They covered how critical it is to build a good day by first looking in the mirror and speaking out positive words. When we speak negative words looking in the mirror it won’t help us in living the good life. They shared how everyone is different and how God has made us unique and two people are the same. David also explained how God created us in our mother’s womb and we are fearfully and wonderfully made. They enclosed some examples to assist us in writing down how we see ourselves and making simple declarations over our lives. They broke down how we can ask ourselves questions such as, is it true and who said it. They continued different things to do during midday, evening, and nighttime. 





I would recommend this awesome book on living the good life and rediscovering your joy and peace. I liked how they covered a wide range of topics such as finding people who sharpen you, love you, and challenge you, and gather and doing life with them. I liked how the book when back and forth between both writers and told their sides of the stories. There was also an impactful story about her brother’s cancer journey and how showing up and gathering together can make the difference. There are tons of lessons enclosed in this book about living the good life and they will help you to refocus on what’s important. 

“I received this book free from Thomas Nelson for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on 



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