Andrew Smith's Blog

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My Name Is Love: We're Not All That Different by Troy Hadeed Book Review


He shared how his name come from an Irish-bred and English thoroughbred racehorse name, Troy. He explained how the cover photo of the book come to be and how it embraced love. This book is a collection of stories and personal reflections all centered around the scope of love. He begins the book by redefining who God is and he strongly believes in God. He isn’t referring to a religion God can be different ideas to others. Although this isn’t a religious book, he does discuss a little about his love of Christ and how it has influenced him. He opened up about yoga and how he learned the importance of being still and listening. In the book, he explored the mind and how it is our ride or die. We can’t avoid our minds but he has realized in his yoga training how many of us are afraid to be alone in our thoughts. He explained how critical this to have an intimacy and connection with our minds. The beginning of our foundation is in our minds and this leads to a good relationship with ourselves and others. He went on to describe what meditation is an act of being. He revealed the significance of breath and how to breath properly. He enclosed a short breathing exercise. 






I would recommend this awesome book about love to anyone who is ready to love ourselves and to love others. There were countless principles teaching others how to accept one another for who they are to love. I liked how he included a little about Christ and how this helped to influence him to love others. I also liked how he explored gratitude and how to be present to connect with the stillness and our minds. I immensely liked the yoga aspect in included to convey the message of the book and how this practice can also provide us with peace. I also liked in the book how he included personal stories throughout it like how he six-time surfing champion, took a journey throughout Central American in the jungle, and spend ten days meditating. The book was very interesting to read and a wonderful one about love and how we can grow in our relationship with ourselves. 


“I received this book free from Vatula Publishing for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on 


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