Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

A Psalm for Every Season: 30 Devotions to Discover Encouragement, Hope and Beauty by Arnold R. Fleagle Book Review

In A Psalm for Every Season, Arnold R. Fleagle has written a new 30-day devotional that covered 30 important passages in psalm. He begins the book by explaining the word psalms in Hebrew and Greek. When we combine these meanings, we get praise songs. We can also view as the book of psalms as a big chapter filled with praise music. Jonah, Jesus, Peter, and Paul, all quoted them when they were each faced with their own challenges. He begins the book by exploring how we can be blessed as believers and how we can choose not to walk in the path of the wicked. There is that old saying that we are most like the five closer people we associate with regularly. We are also influenced by what we read/ watch. We can instead choose to follow God and His teachings and listen to the counselor. It’s extremely critical to follow God’s written word and medicated on the words. 




One of my favorite chapters was the one that discussed a strategy for a good night’s sleep. David faced many enemies and was constantly faced with them bringing harm to him. He stated how the Lord will protect him and how he can sleep in perfect peace and rely on the safety from the Lord. This will remind readers that God will protect them while they are at rest and they don’t have to worry. One of David’s enemies was his own son, Absalom who was attempting to take his own father’s throne. David chose to respond by praying to God, believing that He would protect him, and chose not to allow fear inside. 




I would recommend this life changing devotional to anyone who is looking for a hopeful, peaceful, and fruitful devotional. I immensely liked how the author went into great detail about the truths found in psalms. I liked how easy it was to read a devotional a day and they are short and quick to read. I also enjoyed the illustrations and how it helped to brighten up the message and keep you engaged in the reading. Each day contained a short story, a few verses, a compelling thought, and a comforting prayer. I really enjoyed how the devotionals enclosed helpful encouragement for every season of your life.





"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on



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