Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Crazy Joy: Finding Wild Happiness in a World That's Upside Down by Mary Katherine Backstrom Book Review

In Crazy Joy, Mary Katherine Backstrom revealed the true meaning of happiness and how fleeting it is and how instead we can choose to follow joy. She explained in her book how she suffers from OCD, PTSD, ADHD, bipolar 2. She compared it to Pokémon cards and how you never know which one will you get. She went into detail about how one day she took on a politician over Twitter and he claimed to be a Christian. She tweeted to him how in 18 months she was running for office and going to take over his seat. It went viral and caused herself some backlash. Her business colleague called her in asking her about what direction her career was going to go. They were a faith-based publisher and they didn’t know she was going to go political. She also didn’t tell her husband and he wasn’t happy when he found out what she tweeted. A lot of stories in the book, she described it as a conversation with her therapist to relay the message. She explained how she was on a quest for happiness and the next toy that promises to provide with happiness. In the book, she wants to help readers to break through the cycle and to achieve crazy true joy. 




I would recommend this awesome book about happiness and discovering joy and contentment in our daily lives. I immensely loved her humor and how open she was in explaining that some days is feels like the different characters in Christopher Robin popular stories from Winnie the Pooh. I liked the story about Publix and the pecan pies and the trouble she went to at first to hid that she purchased one from there instead of making her own. I also enjoyed her sharing the story about D.A.R.E. and Scruff McGruff and how he discussed with kids in the 90’s about drugs, guns, and protecting yourself from strangers. She even described how she told on her father for drinking alcohol and mixed humor into the story. I also liked how she enclosed tour guide takeaways at the end of each chapter. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on



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