Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Prayer Starters: Talking with God about Hard Times by Suzanne Eller Book Review

In Prayer Starters, Suzanne Eller has written a book to encourage readers to pray more and this book provided a helpful starter prayer to get you in the right mood. The book contained 90 prayer starters. She begins the book by explaining how she was reminded of God and His strength. She felt broken and was about to give a teaching to encourage others. A woman walked up to her and gave her a picture of a tree with Jeremiah 17:7-8 on it. This verse discussed a man is blessed when you trust in God. It compared him to being like a tree planted and he doesn’t fear about anything from a lack of water to being unable to bear any fruit. She explained how she was reminded that our strength come from Christ and we have immensely power when we have our roots in God’s written word. The book begins each day with a special prayer or a reminder to keep us focus on Christ’s power. There is open space to answer questions and journal about whatever we feel led to. The closing of the day ends with a verse. 





I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is seeking a book on prayer and a conversation starter. I immensely loved how easy the book was to read and how you can use it as a journal to dig deeper into the Word and in our relationship with Christ. One of my favorite days discussed the importance of shutting down the voice of condemnation. She explained how truth can be our ally and we can learn to discern the difference between our inner critic and our inner conviction. Christ will never condemn us for our mistakes and our failures. This book is a wonderful benefitable teaching on prayer and opening up with God about our struggles and allowing Him to help guide us during the difficult times.  









“I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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