Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Say Goodbye to What Holds You Back: Shatter the Walls Surrounding You and Believe What God Says About You By Krissy Nelson Book Review

In Say Goodbye to What Holds You Back, Krissy Nelson explored the twelve most common walls that women have built us around their lives. Some of these included, “I’ll never be good enough, there’s something wrong with me, but I might fail, I’m all alone, I’m so overwhelmed”, and much more. She teaches readers how to break down the walls and to obtain true freedom. In the book, she shared how she struggled with her own feelings of not being good enough to be a writer and that she should just quit. She begins the book by revealing how eight out of ten millennials don’t feel that they are good enough compared to others. She explained what shame is and how easy it is for us to fall into the deadly trap. This causes us not to be able to move forward. She explored the story of the Samaritan woman and how she was asked by Jesus for a drink and this was greatly frowned upon because the Samaritans and the Jews don’t associate. As we will see, she had a root of shame in her life but she is taught a lesson about the true living water and her shame is broken. 



One of my favorite chapters discussed the power of saying no and stop overcommitting and adding more to our plates. Krissy opened about how she would wake up in the middle of the night being stressed to the max. She was worrying about everything and feeling overwhelmed. She explained how we handle whatever may come and not allowing ourselves to become stretched too thin. One of the ways, she encouraged readers to organize their life is to seek Jesus and listen to what he wants us to focus on with her time. Jesus has given us peace and we don’t have let our hearts to be troubled. 




I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is ready to break free from their walls. This book is a powerful book on helping women to get free and to break the chains that are holding them back from living their full life. I loved how transparent Krissy was in this book and how she openly shared her own struggled of not being enough, dealing with insecurity, and fear. I especially loved how each chapter contained a verse, Jesus says, declare it, apply it, and a prayer. I also liked how she divided the chapters into the trap, the wall shatters, and moving forward. I think this helped to keep the content all neatly together. 





"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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