Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Brave Quest: A Boy’s Interactive Journey into Manhood by Dean Briggs Book Review

In Brave Quest, Dean Briggs has written a brand-new book about a fantasy adventure featuring a short story about transitioning into adulthood. They explored the valley of curves, the hall of shame, the palace of pleasure, the cliffs of cowardice, just to name a few areas. The book is geared towards boys aged 12 to 16 years old. The author come up with this helpful book because he has seven sons and he was seeking a book to assist in helping them into manhood. It is written in the style of 50 daily devotionals. He encouraged readers to start reading it fifty days before their next birthday. Each day included a scripture verse, short story, and questions and writing space to allow readers to write down their own thoughts and stories. 



I would recommend this wonderful devotional to every single young boy into helping them transition into manhood. I really enjoyed how he did this as an adventure book to engage boys into reading and learning skills that will benefit them and change their lives. I immensely loved the story about Miss Terry and how the author used this story to describe the dangers of lust and seduction. She is compared to Potiphar’s wife and how she tried to lure Joseph away into her arms. I thought this was a very eye-opening discussion about lust, porn, and the temptations we all face. I also liked how he wrote a character of True Man and his wisdom he tries to share to the Questor. I loved the scene describing a boy reflecting and looking into the water and seeing him change into a man. Our jawline is angled, muscles being refined, hands turning to man hands. I liked how he compared this to seeing different versions of who we are and what we have endured. I liked how he encouraged boys to write down what they truly stand for where they won’t fall for just anything. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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