Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

The Florence Legacy: A Novel by Lauraine Snelling Book Review

The Florence Legacy is a novel about friendships and seeing dreams fulfilled. Jade and Breeanna met at a writer’s conference and they always had a dream to travel to Italy and they wanted to see David. Something would also happen and they could never go. Jade unfortunately passed away before that dream could come true. Breeanna received a hand written letter from Jade gifting her money to use on a trip to Italy. The whole group of three women each received $10,000. Her daughter, Jessica wants the money for herself because she is behind on car payments and then this will cause her to lose her job. She tried to guilt trip her mother out of following her dream and instead to bail her out of her problems. She was firm in stating that she would no longer be rescuing her since the last time. We get to see some of her past with her ex-lover Dereck and bailing him out of jail. Her daughter seems to have lots of excuses and using guilt as a tool to try and manipulate others. Eventually, Breeanna does decide to go ahead with her trip to Italy but not first without experiencing some of her friend’s going through a funeral. She meets Pierre-Rene Dubois a guy who has a big dream of opening up a coffee shop that will be geared to help vets. They share a few romantic moments in the book. 



I would recommend this amazing book filled with a wonderful story about friendship, love, and never giving up on your hopes and dreams. I loved seeing Breeanna dream come true and her getting to see Italy and it was interesting to read about her adventures. I connected with the story about Jessica and her using manipulation and guilt as a tactic to get help from others. This allowed her to never having to solve her own problems she could always depend on others if she ever got into binds. I know of one person in my own family that her story reminded me of and it gives me hope that maybe one day she can also learn to turn her own life around. I could see this novel one day becoming a Hallmark film. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.”





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