Andrew Smith's Blog

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Reorganized Religion: The Reshaping of the American Church and Why It Matters by Bob Smietana Book Review


In Reorganized Religion, Bob Smietana explored the reasons why people are leaving churches and how this affecting us. He begins the book by looking at the criticism popular Christian, author and pastor, Beth Moore. In 2017-2020, Beth Moore’s Living Proof Ministries lost an estimated $3 million dollars. She was facing backlash from opposing Trump and his views. She also chose to leave her denomination. She still believes in Christ but wasn’t happy with all of the religious leaders and didn’t think they were following God’s call. He also explained the role of Russell Moore and his challenges with organized religion. He revealed many different studies in the book and some have discovered that white Americans are the most group leaving the church. He revealed how grandparents are still going to church regularly and we are witnessing a dramatic decline in the youth not attending church at all. He also looked at how the church makes a difference in the lives of others and they are mainly the ones behind food pantries and meal programs. If churches were to close who would help others. There is also a major decline in church attendance since Covid-19 and it’s estimated to be at one-third of people haven’t returned to the church and there is also a decrease in volunteers. Some of the members are watching online. He explained how many attended churches in habit then covid broke the habit and people haven’t been able to get back into the habit of going to church. He ended the book by sharing some views from others are considering to help change the future of the church. 



I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is tired of the old religious systems and they are seeking a new approach to church. This book was very eye opening on understanding what the church is facing and how covid has changed the system and how we can move forward in the future. I honestly haven’t heard about either Beth Moore or Russell Moore and why they have stepped away from their denominations and all of the backlash they were facing. I loved how he treated the book as a reporter and he tried to stick with just sharing views from others and studies to allow readers the freedom to decide for themselves. 





"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.”





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