Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

I Cry in Corners: Embracing Your Feelings, Throat-Punching Anxiety, and Managing Your Emotions Well By Chari Orozco Book Review

In I Cry in Corners, Chari Orozco has written this book to assist readers in managing their emotions. The book title is actually a saying that she cries in corners was from a joke on Instagram. She used the saying as an answer to a question on how she manages her emotions. She shared how she is an introvert and was filled with insecure. She would isolate herself from her friends and family. She entered her marriage with extreme anxiety and was easily angered. At age 33 years old, she faced depression and considered taking her own life. She was suffering from an emotional breakdown. She admitted how she knew she needed Jesus’s help and she had to rely on Him to make her whole. In the book, she explained how she faced incredible amounts of fear when at age 30, she was told she couldn’t have kids. She felt grief, anger, and disappointment. She had this fear that she failed as a woman and failed her family because she couldn’t get pregnant. She thought she would be unloved cause she was barren. Her unmet expectation turned out to shift her desires towards loving others and helped her to beat out her fears. She wrote this book as a tool for readers to learn about how Jesus would manage His emotions in whatever He endured.




In the book, she also shared how she was learned to deal with her insecurity. One of the first things, she recalled was when in school she was a good writer and created a magazine for her school and how people loved it. She unfortunately had to move schools when her dad got a new job. The teacher proceeded to let her know that her writing wasn’t that great and that she would be moved to the disability class. She shared how her mother was already helping other students with disabilities. She decided to use a technique to get her confidence back. Her mother and grandmother teamed up and taught her scriptures about what God says about her. These include: I am a child of God, wonderfully made, bold, blessed, conqueror, gifted, and loved. Her helped her to get a new identity and it assisted her in gaining a new perceptive. In this chapter, she looked at the different ways in where Jesus discovered his identity and purpose. She also looked at the blessings and what we can learn from these teachings. 



I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is ready for some guidance in dealing with their emotions. They don’t have to them run wild and be untamed. I liked how she discussed her fears and how filling up on scriptures helped her to gain true freedom. I especially enjoyed how she looked at the life of Jesus and how He spend His time on Earth and what we can learn from Him on how to control our own emotions. I thought she did an excellent job in connecting and relating His teachings to how we can manage our fears, anxiety, being offended, disappointments, insecurity, betrayed, and much more. It was very eye opening to be reminded of Jesus heavenly perceptive and His disappointment would have an eternal redemption. This is a wonderful book to reread again to study and dig deeper again into our emotions and learn how to manage them daily. 





"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on




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