Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

This Dream Is Not for You: Learn to Live by Letting Go by Wade Joye Book Review

In This Dream is Not for You, Wade Joyce has written a book to help readers to release the grip on their dreams and to learn to trust God. He divided the book into different section: redefine your dream, release your grip, reclaim your purpose, and run your race. He begins the book by explaining how his personal dream died. He told his wife and three daughters goodbye and went to church at Elevation Church on a Tuesday morning. He made the call that this was the end. He felt God tell him that this dream wasn’t for him any longer. For as long as he can remember, he wanted to be a worship leader. He recalls praying a prayer that listeners would sing a worship song that he has written for God. He shared how he met Steven Furtick and became a worship leader at his church. He did it for about 14 years when Steven pulled him aside and shared how he felt God had more in store for him and that he was also called to become a pastor. He shared how he at first fought the calling and he was confused and hurt. He was being instructed by God to learn to give up something. 



He also opened up about how excited they were when they discovered that they were expecting twins. At 27 weeks, his wife had both baby girls and this was three months early. This led to one of the twins, Liana being diagnosed with a grade 4 brain bleed. The doctors didn’t give her a real chance at a normal life. They didn’t believe that she would be able to walk or talk. They referred to as a vegetable state. Steven told them to face the facts but to only speak in faith. They believed that God would heal their daughter. After three long months, both twins were able to come home and they had four surgeries between the two of them. Liana dealt with some weakness but was able to become a miracle and she is able to walk and talk. They did end up having another baby girl and they even got to hold her when they first had her which was different from the first delivery. The only thing is her intestines ruptured and she was later diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. The average life span now is age 40 with people living with this condition and most have to receive lung transplants. He shared what he felt in going through all of that and it was extremely difficult to have another baby after the complications with the twins. He compared this to dreams and being learning to face the facts even when we are so unsure of the future. He even explored the story of David and how he dealt with feeling abandoned by God and hitting rock bottom. 



One of my favorite topics was about noticing your narrative. We can look at our past and ask ourselves who we are and the story we are telling ourselves daily. He explored the story of David and how David saw himself and how God saw him and how his dream for David isn’t just limited to him only. God wanted to build a house through David. He explained how God wants to use us for His glory and purpose. He described the term callings and many of us have misunderstood the term. He shared how we are called to salvation through Christ, called to be in a relationship with Him, called to holiness, called to love others, and much more. He shared how many times when people from the Bible was called or anointed to complete something their assignment was always something they wouldn’t have believe for themselves. David’s sole purpose wasn’t just to rebuilt a temple. He was called to do the work of the Lord. At the end of the chapter, he stated what he thought about his purpose, calling, and dreams and how he realized we can change our own narrative and get more in line with the Word of God. 



I would recommend this awesome book about your dreams and how we can learn to surrender our lives to God’s purpose for our lives. I connected with how open he was in sharing how his dreams had to change when his girls weren’t at first what they planned for. They didn’t plan for all of that difficult thing to occur to his family. He was very real in explaining how they dealt with the changes and they rolled through the challenges. I also liked how he revealed how he stepped down as a worship leader and became a pastor and went after what God was instructing him to do. I loved how each chapter contained a pivot practice to put the chapters contains into play and to dive into the material. One of my favorites was remembering God’s faithfulness and how we can refuel our faith by remembering all He has done for us before. This is one of my top books on dreams, callings, and purpose. His writing style was inspiring and reading the wisdom presented throughout the book will change lives. 






"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on



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