Andrew Smith's Blog

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The Inkwell Chronicles: Race to Krakatoa, Book 2 by J.D. Peabody Book Review




In the next adventure in The Inkwell Chronicles: Race to Krakatoa, Everett and Bea are back ready to dive more into the inklings. This book begins with Everett reading his favorite comic, Max Courageous. His dad wrote and illustrated it with the special ink. He was then lure inside the actual pages of the comic. He was watching the scenes unfold before his very eyes. He referred to this experience as something called, “Leap Reading.” He had a second time and all his sister Bea saw was a book lying on the floor and when she turned it over, he appeared. He then had to explained to her what was happening to him. He has also been having nightmares. They decided to go visit Gilroy in London to see if they can find out any answers. A little while later, a mystery note in an envelope was delivered. This led them to traveling to Krakatoa, a small island filled with balloons and a volcano. The magic Ink is also disappearing and about to become non-existence. A new substance has been discovered and it is referred to as, “Inkanto”. Throughout the book, they will seek out the answers and attempt to unearth the truth. 




I would recommend this great book to preteens aged and they will enjoy uncovering the mysteries presented. It is a clean children’s book that parents won’t have to worry about what their children’s are reading. It was interesting to see how the characters grew since their last adventure and how in this one they were determined to discover the source of the inklings. I also liked how the author added a new leap reading aspect and this added even more new quests. The ending of the book was truly shocking and I didn’t see that coming and it sort of was a surprise cliffhanger. I hope that’s not the ending! I also liked how he enclosed a special page on his website sharing some of the hidden easter eggs in the series and some of his inspirations and references behind the characters and places. It provided a more in depth behind the scenes look at the storyline. 







"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords/Worthy Kids for my honest review.”






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