Andrew Smith's Blog

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Master Your Mindpower: A User Manual For Your Mind & The Ultimate Guide To Mental Toughness by Stéphane Schafeitel and Shalee Schafeitel Book Review


In Master Your Mindpower, Stéphane Schafeitel and Shalee Schafeitel have teamed up to write a book about strengthening your mental resilience and mastering your mindpower. They are founders of Success Training Co. and they regularly coach others. They also opened up about some of their clients they have helped. Some of these included a mortgage company tripled their net worth, executive who was fired three times eventually learned to stay at the same company and has gotten promoted, and much more. They break down the 3 pillars of mindpowers: Foundation, Mental Toughness, and Habits throughout the book.





In the book, Stephane explained how he experienced a dramatic event during his college days. He was hit square in his right eye by a line-drive golf ball. He was instantly knocked out cold and went he was taken to the hospital. They stated he was lucky if it would have hit him just one inch more to the right, he wouldn’t still be alive. They told him there was internal bleeding and they would more than likely have to remove the eye. He asked for a more opinions- three to be precise. He shared how he used mindpower to get healing and to regain his vision. He explained how powerful the body is and how incredible healing powers it contains. He shared about neuroplasticity and how we can reprogram our brains and grow daily. 



One of my favorite chapters discussed how to bounce back from mistakes. They refer to this as the ICE method after you make a mistake. These enclosed, identity, change, and embrace. This will help us to learn from our mistakes and bring back active change. They explained how they had to use the ICE method when they made mistakes creating their first ever online course workbook. They stated how we need to have the goal to be about 90% perfect and strive to do our best but knowing that it would ever be 100% perfect. This will greatly remind readers how we need to deal with our mistakes and what we can learn from each experience. 


I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is ready to change their mindsets and to grow in their mindpower. I immensely loved how each chapter contained a mindpower exercise and they provided us questions to answer. I also enjoyed the different challenges presented and one of these included 100 wants and we can ask ourselves what we want in life. This is an important task they require every single person they coach to complete this task first. They want everyone to give and put in the effort to put in the work. This task is very eye opening to see what we want out of our lives. They will help you also to narrow it down to the top 3 you want to focus on for the next month. This book is an excellent manual to work on changing your mindset. 



"I received this book free from the publisher, Successful Training Publishing for my honest review.”





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