Andrew Smith's Blog

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Who Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up? By Paula Faris Illustrated by Bhagya Madanasinghe Book Review

Who Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up is a new children’s book from award-winning journalist, Paula Faris. She was also a co-host on ABC, The View. This book is about Lina and how she getting prepared for career day and a fun project. Mrs. Garcia went around the room and began asking each student what they all wanted to be when they grew up. Lina was busy drawing in her stretch book and not paying attention in class. She was telling her friend about golden retrievers and how they are excellent guide dogs and how smart they are. They make the perfect companion friend and they are great at finding hidden things. When the teacher asked her what she wanted to be. She told the class she wanted to be a golden retriever and the entire class laughed at her response. She still had another chance to try a different answer on the actual career day. At dinner, her parents tried to help her up with things she was good at and things she loved to do. Her mother explained how she was very curious and liked to ask questions. 




In the book, she shared how on career day she wanted to be like a golden retriever and shared their different characteristics and traits and how they benefit and help others. The book revealed how we can teach our kids to focus more on who they want to become instead of just what they do in life. At the end of the book, Paula wrote a short closing about how we need to instead ask who do you want to become when you grow up. She broke it down to three questions we can teach our kids to get them started. One of these was, “what’s important to you?” 






I would recommend this outstanding children’s book on who we want to become when we grow up. We live in society that we focus on what jobs we do and not enough on who we are. This small book contains a powerful message to assist our children in concentrating on character qualities and asking ourselves the most important questions. This book is truly remarkable and if we will take the time to go over the three critical questions with our children, then we can help them to figure out who they want to become in life. The illustrations are also beautiful and help to craft the story. This book would be a wonderful book for children aged 4-9. 






"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords/Worthy Kids for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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