Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Resilient: Restoring Your Weary Soul in These Turbulent Time by John Eldredge Book Review

In Resilient, John Eldredge helps readers to bounce back to get their strength back after feeling weary and worn down. In the book, he explained the roles of camels and how they have incredible stamina and strength. They can carry their passengers across the hot desert lands. They can go without for long periods of time. But when they choose to die, they simple kneel and die. He compared this to how human also hide behind the Achilles heel. We are good at rising above calamity until one day we no longer can. We burn out and struggle to keep going on. We are still dealing with the effects of Covid-19 and how this is brought its own traumas. He shared how he worked with his staff during this and asked them how their wellbeing was going. They admitted to only living their lives in about 30 % of their normal strength. He asked readers what they would do if we went through another one how would we respond to it. 






He explained how we need to have mental resilience and be prepared for the end of age. It is estimated that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled by the end of 2022 or a little after that. Scriptures declare that Jesus’ testimony will be preached in every nation. In 2015, it was estimated to have been about 1,400 groups without any Christians located there. All of this is supposed to be changed soon and God’s word will be shared soon all over the world. He shared how we as Christians need to be more concerned with reading scriptures and studying than watching social media. It is also so easy to get lure into watching the news daily and consuming ourselves with everything that is happening. He shared how we can keep the right perspective and focus on some key scriptures to help us in our journey. This included walking through the darkest valleys and knowing that God will protect us without any doubt. 





I would recommend this awesome book about resilient and dealing with the emotional pain you are facing and choosing to rediscover joy again. I really enjoyed how he included two ways you can recover. The first way is reconnecting with our love and stating our devotion to Jesus again. The second is creating a space to let our soul breathe and let Jesus be at the center of our lives. I also liked how he shared that he designed an app named the pause app. This app goal is to help us to pause and refind resilience and get strength from Jesus in our day-to-day walk. This app is a great additional to this book and they do go together. I immensely was touched by the topic of how imperative it is for athletes to recover and how this is so important where we won’t injury ourselves. We can heal from our trauma by following this guide and pretend we are answering these questions to a therapist. I really believe this section was very powerful and it will assist us in dealing with our angry, fears, and hurts. 






"I received this book free from the publisher, Thomas Nelson for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on






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