Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

A Love Letter from God by P.K. Hallinan Book Review

A Love Letter from God is a personal book enclosed with a collection of reminders of how much God loves us. Our laugher is a special treasure that is worth more than gold. Our hearts are a direct representation of God’s goodness and mercy and we see it in our reflection. God will always lead us everywhere we are and He will provide for us. He will send us friends our way that will help to positively brighten our days. We can laugh, solve riddles together, play games. When we face hardship or challenges or fall, we can rely on the fact that God will use it all for our good and it will make us stronger. You will bring us blessings and cause rainbows to form and give us beautiful sunsets and sunrises. We can always remember to look up and see the stars shining bright and be reminded that His love for us is incredible. 



I would recommend this splendid book to children aged 1-7 and parents are seeking a good book to teach our children the hope and love Christ has for His children. The book was a wonderful book to reminder readers how much God cares for His children and is a great introduction to the principles of Christ. One of my favorite pages was the one that discussed the goodness and mercy and how our heart is a reflection of Him. I thought seeing the ducks floating in the lake being fed and the word me being reflected into the lake was very eye opening and is a great prompt to children. The illustrations were very colorful and I really enjoyed how they sketched them and made them very kid’s friendly. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords/Worthy Kids for my honest review.”


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