Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Seven Secrets of the Spirit-Filled Life: Daily Renewal, Purpose and Joy When You Partner with the Holy Spirit by Jack Levison Book Review

In Seven Secrets of the Spirit-Filled Life, Jack Levison is a short devotional type book covering the topics on developing a deeper relationship with Christ. The book is divided into 49 chapters because the Jewish feast of Pentecost occurs 50 days after the Passover. Readers can choose to complete the book in 49 days or even better read a chapter a week and ponder the message and practice it all week long. Some of the book’s secrets included, “anticipate infinitely more, saturate yourself with scripture, commit to community, leave a spiritual legacy”, just to name a few. 




He begins the book by sharing a story of how he attended college at Wheaton. The professor wrote something in Greek and asked the class what it mean. He wrote Philippians 4:13 on the board and asked the class if this would allow them not to study for tests and still pass. He stated how we can however obtain the power to face whatever we go through in life. He explained how this led him to crave to want to be filled with more of the spirit.




One of my favorite chapters was on the topic of staying together and this discussed how we are called be in unity. He shared how it has been said before that it takes two to get married and only one to deiced to get divorced. This day explained how we are all God’s temple and we God’s spirit lives inside of you. Paul stated how if anyone was to destroy God’s temple, then He would destroy them. There are divisions within the church and he warns us on causing divisions to occur. We can in turn suffer the consequences and be destroyed. He also clarified how the Corinthians caused divisions by arguing over who is the better leader: Paul, Peter, Apollos, or Christ, who had the best spiritual gift, and who was the most spiritual. We can instead follow a spirit fill life and all remain in the same temple. This day encouraged believers to reach out to others who are different from us whether it be a different belief in God or has a different point of view. We can provide them with an encouraging word or just show them the love that we have inside of us. 




I would recommend his awesome devotional type book to anyone who is ready to learn more about how to live a more spirit filled life and we can understand more about the Holy Spirit. I immensely loved the idea of reading the book a chapter a week. I think it would help the topics to get more inside your spirit by breaking it down and studying it for a week and maybe even rereading the same chapters again for the whole week. The chapters are super short and easy to read along with. I liked how each day contained a lesson on living it out and completing an activity and a short prayer. This would be a wonderful book to use as a daily study and help you to renew and feel fresh masking in the Word of God daily. 






"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”







If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on





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