Andrew Smith's Blog

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When I Was Your Age by Danette Byatt Book Review

When I Was Your Age is a children’s book about the different changed throughout the generations and how technology has changed. The setting is in space on a planet in the near future. A grandmother is explaining to her granddaughter, Indigo about the changes that have occurred. The grandmother had to bike to school and that took a great deal of time. Whereas now, they can travel to school in 2.04 seconds in a fast teleport machine. They had a tablet which is like an iPad and now in the future it’s more like a helmet that projects images. The grandmother had a pet dog and Indigo has a pet dragon looking creature. The grandmother dad would bake a cake from scratch and now it’s all completed by lasers. They also in the future have robots who do all of their chores. This book is a fun book about the many changes coming in the future and the amazing adventure headed our way. 





I would recommend this awesome space theme book to children aged 2-8 and it features creative ways in which we can look forward to in the future. It allows children to be reminded of what past generations experienced. It opened the door for kids to brainstorm what could occur in the future and how technology will change and allow us to do even more. We may even have new pets. The most excited thing in the book I wish would be to fast teleport to work, stores, and to home. I would also like the food being so easily fixed without the preparing and cooking. It would also be beneficially to have robots doing all of the chores. The book reminded me of the Jetsons type feel to it. 





"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords/Worthy Kids for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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