Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Stuff I'd Only Tell God: A Guided Journal of Courageous Honesty, Obsessive Truth-Telling, and Beautifully Ruthless Self-Discovery by Jennifer Dukes Lee Book Review


In Stuff I’d Only Tell God, Jennifer Dukes Lee has designed a brand-new journal to help readers to have an open conversation with God. She referred to this book as our own personal little confession booth. She encouraged readers to be honest and compassion in going through the journaling process. It is designed to help us to discover our people, your past, present, and future, secrets, dreams, and much more. She also stated how readers could destroy the book later on if they choose to do so after they are finished with it. The book included charts, blank spaces to answer the questions, games such as happiness bingo, drawing where your scars on your body are, soundtrack of our lives, waves of nostalgia, if I were a Psalmist, facing your fear, dear younger me, and much more. 



I immensely loved the vast different writing activities that are included in the book. Some of my favorite was writing a letter to your younger self and this reminded me of the same idea that is showcased in Brad Paisley’s Letter to Me and Younger Me by Brothers Osborne. I think we will all realized that we have grew as a person and hopeful have grown in wisdom. I also liked how she encourage readers to explore the holes that have postmarked our life and some we have fell into. We can also eagerly hope for the seeds and the garden that have grown. I liked the idea of the genogram and exploring your family tree and looking at what behaviors, habits, and personalities that each family member deal with. I liked how she encouraged readers to write down what hurtful words have been spoken over their lives and how we can counteract them with affirmations to heal the deep wounds.  



I would recommend this astonishing journal that is filled with fun activities to do while you spend time with God to anyone who is seeking a journal that is Christian focused. This is a wonderful took to use in our self-discovery journey. I really enjoyed how there was all different types of fun activities for readers to do and everyday was distinctive to assist us in becoming more honest with the real you. The journal enclosed difficult questions that sometimes readers would need to ponder and deal with their past, present, and dreams about the future. This journal will take readers on a refreshing journey and help you to grow close to Christ. 





"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”







If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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