Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Moonlight Memories by Amanda Davis Illustrated by Michelle Jing Chan Book Review

Moonlight Memories is a bright book touching on the topic of grief and lost. Piper has recently lost her mother a month ago. She is suffering from feeling empty inside. Her father didn’t speak much about it but deep down inside she knew he was also hurting from the pain. Her father provided her with a special gift, a telescope where she could look up at the stars, the Big Dipper, moon craters, and a special surprise. She said her mother’s face twinkling in the stars. She drew what she saw and she continued to do so. She kept capturing another memory and putting it down on paper. She was able to use this to experience past memories with her mother and to be reminded of them. She remembered her mother’s love and was comforted by her memories. 




I would recommend this inspiring book covering the topic of grief and healing from the pain by remembering the past memories and cherishing them. This would be great for children aged 4-8 and is a wonderful introduction to grief. This book is based on a true story from the author when she lost her own father at a young age. She discovered her own ways to cope and she found her voice when she used writing and art to find healing. She wanted others to reach out to their support groups, friends, and family and find their own outlets to process their griefs. I loved how she included helpful activities for children such as creating a memory album/ scrapbook, writing a goodbye letter, building a heart puzzle, planting a tree/bush/flowers in their honor, and enjoying them on their birthday by doing whatever they enjoyed. I thought she a great job in using this book and the different ideas as a way to deal with our suffering and grief. I recently lost my grandmother from cancer almost a year ago and this is a wonderful tool in using it to explain death and learning to cope with lost. It helped to bring back past memories that we shared. 







"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords/Worthy Kids for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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