Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Cook with Confidence: Over 100 Inspiring Recipes to Cook and Eat Together by Dennis Prescott Book Review

In Cook with Confidence, Dennis Prescott has written a cookbook filled with over 100 recipes. He grew up in as a Canadian in New Brunswick. He is from a small town, called Riverview. They love their seafood there and had high tides. He at first had a dream of becoming a musician and he shared a little about how he made his first record and travelled around in a van. He realized that he was becoming out of shape and he decided to learn how to cook. This led him to having a passion to cook every day and try and fail at new recipes. He was able to work in a few restaurants, catering, run a coffee and doughnut shop, wrote a column for Food & Wine magazine, wrote a few cookbooks, and grew his social media accounts. He divided the book into a few different sections such as, kickstart my heart with snacks, seasonal salads, pasta, plant powered meals, under the sea, meaty mains, and much more. 




Some of my favorite topics was how to open up an oyster, the importance of salt and favoring, and tips on grilling. Some of the recipes enclosed were, loaded grilled chicken nachos, creamed lobster dip, confit tomato, grilled peach, and burrata salad, grilled tequila-chili chicken fajitas with spiked sour cream, healthy fish and chips, and so much more. 




I would recommend this awesome cookbook to anyone is seeking a new cookbook filled with mouthwatering recipes. I loved how colorful and beautiful the photographs were of the food and the personal photos of him enjoying meals with family and friends. There are excellent seafood ideas and you can tell he really enjoys serving and cooking with different meats and veggies. I can’t wait to try some of these. I really liked also how he included cooking tips on how to cook the challenging seafood items that people sometimes can struggle with. He did a great job in explaining it in easy terms. My favorite one I want to try is the fajitas cause his pictures makes it look so tasty. 



I received this book free from Harper Celebrate for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on  


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