Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Lies I Taught in Medical School: How Conventional Medicine Is Making You Sicker and What You Can Do to Save Your Own Life by Robert Lufkin, MD Book Review

This book is an excellent resource to use to better our overall health. He explained how he was slightly overweight. He has high blood pressure and was prediabetic. He shared how he knew he had to make a change. He started to avoid sugar, processed carbs and seed oils, and grains. He made a choice to skip breakfast and lunch. He was able to get off some of his medications. In the book, he explored the lies that he was taught in medical school. One of these was being about obesity and how a calorie is just a calorie. The most eye-opening chapters was about the plan. He stated how we can be healthy if we choose just when eat. He suggested eating only within an 8-hour time frame. This allows your body time to rest and help change your metabolic health. He also included tips on sleeping better and practicing relaxing techniques. He looked at brain exercise you can do to improve your brain. He encouraged readers to get regular exercise and tracking down how much you do. He shared how we can learn to manage our stress. When we are a pet owner it has been linked to longer health and can teach us unconditional love. 




I would recommend this awesome book on all the lies he taught in medical school and how he covered diabetes, fatty liver, hypertension, cancer, Alzheimer, and much more. It was very well researched and he shared studies and how things have changed in the medical field. The plan was very helpful in reversing and helping to prevent some of these diseases. I liked how he opened up about he made his own lifestyle changes to improve his health. What I noticed that was interesting is how actor, Josh Duhamel endorsed this book. 




“I received this book free from BenBella Books for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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