Andrew Smith's Blog

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The Great Disappearance: 31 Ways to be Rapture Ready by Dr. David Jeremiah Book Review

In The Great Disappearance, Dr. David Jeremiah warned readers about how an exciting day and a terrifying day for unbelievers are coming. He begins the book by explaining how the return of Jesus could be very soon. There will first be a great disappearance and billions of people will suddenly vanish. The rapture will be announced by the Lord shouting up from Heaven, with help from the archangel, and the trumpet of God will sound. Dead bodies that have been buried will rise. Conflicts are shifting and the love for others is getting colder. Nuclear weapons can now be carried by hand and there are wars between nations. The days of Noah will be coming again. We are currently experiencing a deep corruption throughout the nations. He covered the topic what if we die before the rapture what happens. He revealed what will happened to child during the rapture. He explored the seven-year Tribulation and what unbelievers can expect to occur if they choose to not to accept Jesus as their Savior. He explained why the rapture has to happen and how this will help to purify Israel. 



I would recommend this awesome book on the rapture and the great disappearance the world will witness when believers are missing. I really liked how he broke down a lot of the questions and thoughts we have about the future and what is to come. I also liked how he shared his thoughts on if people will get a second chance to accept Jesus. He made this book very simple to understand and for readers to get a grasp on the future. There is tons of references to verses and passages. One of my favorite parts was the section Live Like You Were Dying which is a song reference to Tim McGraw’s hit song. It reminds readers to love deeper, speak sweeter, giving forgiveness, and most of all living like it’s your last day. We can live on purpose and be prepared that today could be the day that Jesus returns. 




I received this book free from Thomas Nelson for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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