Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Think This, Not That: 12 Mindshifts to Breakthrough Limiting Beliefs and Become Who You Were Born to Be by Dr. Josh Axe Book Review

In Think This, Not That, Dr. Josh Axe helps readers to focus on thinking on right mindsets and to turn off the bad mindsets. He explained how his grandfather used to own and operate a 60-acre recreational campground in Lima, Ohio. They have waterslides, rafts for the big lake, basketball courts, tennis, golf, RV camping areas, and much more. His first summer there they allowed him to run wild and have fun. Later on, they explained to him how he needed to grow in responsibility and to take on different tasks. His grandfather taught him how to think this and not that. He learned from him how to serve others and working hard. He carried this lesson throughout his career as a physician. He believes in the mindset medicine and how having the right mindset can reverse disease and lose weight. He explained the real reason we fail in finding meaningful relationships, catching after our dream jobs, or trying again is mainly because of their own limiting beliefs. 





He struggled with a limiting mindset at an early age. In his freshmen year, his teacher laughed at him when he told her what he wanted to do with his life. He told her that he wanted to be a doctor or a physical therapist. He wanted to pursue that route because of his mother’s cancer diagnosis. His grades were very mediocre and he had just received an F and had a D average. She told him that he would never be able to get into med school and that he wouldn’t even finish college. She diagnosed him with ADHD and this caused him to feel even more insecure. He did manage to up his grade to a C to help to please his dad. He stated how we need to ponder on how much power we have gave to others concerning our future and how their beliefs have changed our own beliefs about ourselves. What has held us back from going after what we really wanted. He explained how critical it is understanding our beliefs and how powerful they are and how they determine what our future will look like. He had a very prevailing illustration on a table and the tabletop and their legs and how we can compare them to our beliefs. He later goes onto clarifying how he had an English teacher in his freshman year of college that changed his life and instead encouraged to pursue English or to become a writer. He experienced a memory transplant and he started to believe that he was in fact smart. He shared how he has since become a doctor and he shared some of the accomplishments he had. 




I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is ready to change their mindsets and to think this instead of that. I immensely like how he encouraged readers to write down three of five limiting beliefs about ourselves and how they can be harming us. I liked how he encouraged us to consider the cost if we never change and still believe the lie. I also liked how he shared his mother’s health story and how he assisted her in eating healthier and she was healed from her health scares. The principles in this book are very impactful and this book is one that is meant to be studied and applied to your life. This is probably one of the better book on mindsets and changing your thoughts and how they help us to improve our health. 







I received this book free from Thomas Nelson for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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