Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

The Unfair Advantage: 7 Keys from the Life of Joseph for Transforming Any Obstacle into an Opportunity by Aaron Burke Book Review

In The Unfair Advantage, Aaron Burke explored what important keys we can learn from the life of Joseph and use the lessons to overcome any obstacle that we may face. He explained how all of our trials, struggles, challenges, and setbacks are actually an unfair advantage that God can use to prepare us. What was meant to harm us God can turn it around for our good see Gen. 50:20. There can be purpose for our pain. He shared in the book how he had an unfair advantage growing up. He had trouble making friends and school wasn’t easy. He was expelled from a Christian school. He failed a few courses and had to retake them. His dad also had a drug problem during his childhood. He has been called to preach and every time he would try, he would lose his voice and he had to get a speech therapist to help him and she told him that he was a lost cause. All of his struggles taught him to have greater dependence on God and to have a greater humility. He had an unfair advantage and was able to see the good that came out of it. 



The book covered the entire story of Joseph. He was rejected by his brothers and threw him into a deep pit. They wanted to murder him. He was eventually sold into slavery. They were extremely jealous of how much attention and love their father gave him. His dream of success angered his brothers and cause strived and conflict. One of my favorite chapters covered rejection and he has pointers on how to deal with it. He was rejected because of who he was as an individual. He also shared how Oprah, Walt Disney, Thomas Edison, Michael Jordan, and many others all faced rejected and they all overcame it. He opened up about his own experiences with rejection and how he didn’t get picked for sports teams and how devastated he felt. Even Jesus warned about how brothers will betray their brothers to death and children will rebel against each other and how we will be hated because of Jesus (Matt 10:21-22). Jesus was also rejected and he hung on a cross for our sins. He teaches readers ways in which to deal with rejection and how to not allow bitterness to take root. He instructed readers to guard your hearts. 



I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is ready to go deeper into the study of Joseph. He overcame his unfair advantage and God used all of his pain for his advantage. I immensely liked reading this book and was very interested in learning how to handle rejection and I loved the questions he presented to ask ourselves if we are holding onto bitterness. There are also discussion questions at the end of each chapter. I also liked how he encouraged readers to invest in their relationships especially their marriages and giving others our time. This book is a wonderful read and it will help you in dealing with life isn’t fair. 




I received this book free from Thomas Nelson for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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