Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Undistracted: Capture Your Purpose. Rediscover Your Joy. by Bob Goff Book Review

In Undistracted, Bob Goff explained how we can rediscover our purpose and get our joy back. He begins the book by explaining how we are all distracted more and more. Sometimes we don’t even notice when our minds are wondering and we are losing focus. We are faced with social media distractions, ever ending to do lists, and reading the news. He encouraged readers to write down for a day everything that is distracting us from completing tasks. This can help to reveal to us where we are spending our time and what could be distracting us from fully living. 



One of my favorite chapters was how we can learn to be present and how this is the cure for insecurity. He shared how he visits prisons and tries to influence them and teach them about God and how to deal with their shame. He shared how he was alone in a room with a young man when the power went off and the entire prison was shut down for four hours. He admitted to how he wanted to dig a hole just to escape. He was locked in with this man in maximum security. He compared this to insecurity and how many of us try and build up walls to protect us. We install bulletproof glass so nothing could kill us or harm us. He shared how really, we are just scared and longing for a true friend to help carry us. We can break out of the prison around our hearts. 



I would recommend this inspiring book about the things that are distracting us from having joy and pursuing our purpose fully. I immensely loved the story about how his friend who happens to be a guitar player for Carrie Underwood. He invited him to a show and he didn’t realize that he had an all-access pass to go anywhere in the show. He wasn’t allowed on center stage. He used this exampled to compare it to how God has given us an all-access pass to go anywhere and to live our lives. He explained how we can choose to have boldness. I also liked how he included his cell phone number in the book and he encourages readers to call him and he just might surprise you an answer. I thought this was something totally different from an author.  




I received this book free from Thomas Nelson for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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