Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Burn: The Burn Boot Camp 5-Step Strategy for Inner and Outer Strength by Devan Kline and Morgan Kline Book Review

This book is written by the two key leaders who founded Burn Boot Camp in 2015 and they have impacted an estimated 2 million people. There are camps around the world and they also have socials and videos. They begin the book by stating how when life isn’t going their way, they shift the blame to external circumstances. People use excuses as to why they are overweight and can’t change and they use escape clauses. They shared a heartbreaking statistic that discovered that ¾ of Americans don’t hit the recommended minimum for exercise which comes out to about 150 minutes a week. They explain the most important step is to start moving and how a small act can transform your life. They described how we need to have the mindset that I can, I must, and I will and how if we would truly believe this our lives would change. In the book, they break down the five strategics plan: burn, believe, nourish, achieve, and connect. 




One of the impactful stories presented in this book was about Tiffany and how she faced leukemia. She was exercising regularly and ate a nutritious diet. She decided to focus on the goal of beating this cancer. She shared how she was very weak and she made the decision to move little by little. She chose to move her body even when she didn’t feel like it. She shared how moving has helped cancer patients to beat cancer and the power of a positive mindset. This story was just the one of many who was changed by the power of working out and doing the burn boot camp. They used a shadow technique to replay the tape of things that happened to help us build resilience, gratitude, and emotional intelligent. Another topic of this chapter was transformation our languages and turning the negative language we tell ourselves into positive words. They included a whole list or negative words, positive, and suggestion on how to change your words. This was incredibly helpful in altering how we live our lives. 



I would recommend this powerful book to anyone who is ready to change their lives and to become healthier. It was also interesting to read about both of the authors describing their childhood and how they met and got into fitness. I liked how they suggested to readers to take small steps in working out and eating right you don’t have to make big changes to see results. This book is written as a lifestyle change and not just another diet book. I really enjoyed how they discussed the mental side and how our mindsets can be changed and they walked readers through ways to improve and change. I immensely liked the burn boot camp exercises and moves presented in this book. I also liked the 10 minutes meal plan recipes. In reading through these they all seem pretty simple and easy to make. I also liked the section on how different moods can boost our moods and what they all do for us. This was very enlightening to read and a book that is meant to be studied and put into practice daily. 



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Modern Masculinity: A Compassionate Guidebook to Men's Mental Health by Stephan B. Poulter Ph.D Book Review

He begins the book by sharing an example of how a local police department received a call about how a man’s brother had been missing since January. The vehicle was discovered 6 months later in the parking lot at a major store. In the trash and his personal items, they found his decomposed body. He struggled with depression, loneliness, and addiction. The store is right across from the police station and they never noticed. No had reported him missing for 6 months. The vehicle was there for 170 days. He used this example to covey how men tend to struggle with mental issues and they don’t like to talk to about it. 



He shared how masculinity has changed over the years. In the last 150 years, the focus has been on making money and chasing after wealth. Men used to be measured on their farming skills and then industrialization confused men how to be involved as fathers. Men are now measured by their professional achievements. He looked at how men express their loneliness differently than women do and how it can cause men to become more aggressive. He explored how men also go after the idea of the perfect workout body. Instead, we need to become body awareness and we must realize this is a part of our mental awareness. Men tend to avoid going to the doctor until there is a major health issue. He explained how avoided his own health until he had a tore vertebral artery and a stroke that almost ended his life. It took almost 6 months for him to regain fully his strength. This caused him to ask himself what he was running from. 



One of the most heartbreaking stories he revealed was about Sammy. He lost his own dad at age 16 years old when his dad walked to his mailbox. He was shot in the chest and killed by his neighbor. His dad confronted his neighbor when he was yelling at his wife and children. He would threaten them and his dad would even call the police on him. This led to Sammy dealing with emotional trauma and he would feel angry about people being bullied at work or even socially and this was causing problems in his engagement. The author was trying to help him in counseling. This story was just one of the powerful stories in this book. 


I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is seeking a book on masculinity. I liked how he wasn’t afraid to discuss sexuality, angry, shame, and much more. He was very knowledge in studying the issues men face and how they have involved and changed over time. I liked how included true and false type questions and the answers with a detail explanation. He enclosed helpful questions readers could answer. This is one of the best books I have read about the issues men face and how to work through the process. 





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Disrupting the Game: From the Bronx to the Top of Nintendo by Reggie Fils-Aimé Book Review

Reggie grew up as a child of a Haitian immigrant and he went into detail about his upbringing. He was able to attend Cornell University on a scholarship. He became the president of Nintendo of America. He did a lot in marketing. He begins the book by explaining how he had a mentor and was good friends with the global president, Satoru Iwata. He was asked to travel to Japan in 2015 right after he was there for the new launch for the products for that year. He had been the president for over ten years. He was called there to be told that his cancer had return. He also wanted to work on the mobile platform that Nintendo was able to launch and he wanted him to play and test some of the games. This device was about to called the Nintendo Switch. He had made personal contributions to games such as, Pokémon, Kirby, and Super Smash Bros. He had helped to do the Wii remote. He explained how he was the only person from the office to come visit in the hospital. In the book, Reggie shared the lessons he learned along the way. One of these was staying true to your beliefs and not falling victim to chasing after your own pride and desire to win. Another important lesson was in business we need to have three types of relationships. They are coaches, mentors, and sponsors and how each of them different. 



I would recommend this inspiring book to anyone who is ready to learn the secrets of business and how a guy from the Bronx rose to become the president of Nintendo. I liked how he included a special section in each chapter entitled, the so what lesson that we can learn. These were very insightful and critical to learning to disrupt the game. This book is a very interesting read and the stories will resonate with readers. 





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Attacking Anxiety: From Panicked and Depressed to Alive and Free by Shawn Johnson Book Review

He begins the book by sharing how he was driving on the expressway when he suffered from a panic attack. He was on the phone to his wife, Jill and they have been married for over 20 years. He had three children and he was the pastor of a large church, Red Rocks. He told his wife that he didn’t think he would be able to make it home. He was feeling very claustrophobic and his chest was tightening. His mind was going blurry and he felt like he needed to escape. He felt like this was the very end and he thought he would be forever in pain. He remembers pulling over and screaming and sobbing. His wife come with two of his friends and he told them that he quit and that he didn’t want to be a pastor anymore. They took him home and he was still shaking and he made them removed his guns from the house. He couldn’t trust himself. He needed a miracle from God. In the book, he went into details about how he was able to find freedom. He sought help from one of his pastor friends and he spend two weeks with different health professionals and then 7 weeks in counseling. He reminded readers that they aren’t crazy, alone, and that this will end. He touched on a little about how his father left town when he discovered he was going to become a dad. He never has met him. His mother had a heroin addiction and he was left on a stranger’s doorsteps with a note and a number to call. She was preparing to jump off a bridge but when she did, she survived with just a few broken bones. He shared how at 24 years old he tried to kill himself because he was struggling with depression. God was with him throughout all of these events. In the book, he will guide readers on how to deal with anxiety and what has worked for him.  



I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is struggling with depression and anxiety. This book was really inspiring and contained tons of helpful suggestions. I immensely liked how he stated 20 Bible verses about who God is in every situation. These enclosed that we are loved, valued, accepted, more than a conqueror, just to name a few. These are great reminders meant to be studied. God’s word can help you get through it. I also enjoyed the discussions on weapons to use against the fight and how critical it is to use worship and prayer. I liked the topic of forgiveness and how we can heal and make the choice to forgive. I also liked the story about Brian and his wedding to Kelly and this would have been the smallest wedding he has ever officiated. At the time, he was busy playing the comparison game against other pastors and almost missed this opportunity. God used this story to change his life and readers will be shocked to hear Kelly’s story. This book is probably one of the best books I have read on the topic of anxiety and depression. The author’s story is very inspiring and will help readers in their battle. 




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Misfit Chef: Stories & Recipes from Memory by Christopher J. DeStefano Book Review

This book is written with a different approach as how the book is laid out. Each chapter is a representation of a memory from his days at working at Christopher’s Table. It was a bakery, food shop, wine bar, and restaurant from 2008 to 2014. He begins the book by explaining how he didn’t fit into the chef definitions and he felt different from the rest. He explained how he also came out as gay and he struggled with his culinary identity. He shared how he viewed food as a conversation catalyst that would bring people together. He believes that meals can be special moments with people who you love. It doesn’t have to be perfect. 



One of the most impact stories in the book was about Peter and how the customers just loved him. He had a great personality and strong work ethic. He connected with his two sons who they adopted and he would ask him questions. Peter had a dream of becoming a father but he wasn’t quite really to settle down with his girlfriend just yet. He shared how they celebrated his 21 birthday the way Peter wanted to. He eventually quit his job because he got engaged and needed more money. He didn’t have another job lined up and he warned him about the risk of that. He also had a battle with depression and struggled with substances. A few months later Peter was found in his bathtub overdosed. He shared how Peter would make his chicken cordon and this recipe is included in the book. 





Some of the other recipes included coconut cupcakes with cream cheese frosting, oven fried chicken, jam thumbprint cookies, whoopies pies, blackberry and thyme margarita, spicy tuna tartare on wonton crisps, and much more. 



I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys cooking and wants to try new recipes. I liked how he mixed in personal story from his restaurant days. He even described the reason on why he quit the business and closed it down. The stories in this book are impactful and inspiring. The pictures of the food look really tasty and I can’t wait to try some of them. 







“I received this book free from Tabletop Publications for my honest review.”






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Average Joe Tickets on Sale Now

This is a powerful film about the importance of believers standing up for our freedoms as Christians in America!

About Average Joe

High school football coach Joe Kennedy had no other choice but to fight. A childhood in foster care followed by 20 years in the Marine Corps was nothing compared to his biggest battle: his commitment to stand for God publicly by taking a knee in prayer after each game. When he was fired, Joe and his wife Denise knew this battle for religious freedom, freedom of speech, and the rights of all Americans was one they would have to fight—no matter the cost. From the director and producers of God’s Not Dead and the producers of The Blind comes AVERAGE JOE, in theaters beginning October 11.

Average Joe will be releasing in theaters on October 11th.

Check out this impact film releasing soon! 

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How to Be Married (to Melissa): A Hilarious Guide to a Happier, One-of-a-Kind Marriage by Dustin Nickerson Book Review


In How to be Married to Melissa, Dustin Nickerson is the only person who has even been married to Melissa and he wants you to know that. He is a comedian and he will use comedy and humor throughout the book. They got married young around when they were 19 and 20 years old. They shared how they struggled with reading all the typically recommended marriage books. They discovered that they don’t take into consideration that not all marriages are the same. Readers will read throughout the book their ups and downs in their marriage and how they He opened up the book with detailing some examples from a news article about the fights that led to their marriages ending. One was a fight over lunch, another a fight over her cell phone usage, and much more. Little fights that led to bigger issues. They shared a personal story about how they fought one time over a vocabulary word. He explained how fights are never about the fights themselves. In the book, he discussed money, raising children, sex, cheating, in-laws, and family life. 



One of my favorite stories was how he described essential oils, keto, and Crossfit and referred to them as the unholy trinity. This session was pretty hilarious. I also liked the story with his future father-in-law and how they had a funny discussion before he would let him marry his daughter. I liked how he mixed humor and comedy into the book and how he walked readers through some of the challenges they faced. He had special activities to do throughout the chapters and it would work great with couples. It was also interesting to read some of her thoughts in the book at certain parts. 





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Staying Power: A Guided Journal to Living Changed, Connected, and Confident (A Power Moves Experience) by Sarah Jakes Roberts Book Review


She begins this journal by sharing how power is a force in the making and its directly related to our inner confidence. This book is related to her other popular book, Power Moves. She shared a story about how her and her husband was ready to unwind and relax after a long day. She kept trying to turn on the tv with the remote and it refused to come on. She checked the outlet and it still worked. Come to find out the tv was broken and it was something wrong inside the tv. The power was still actively flowing through the tv but something internally was messed up inside it. She used this example to explain how if we still are breathing then we have access to God’s power. She encouraged readers to write down areas where they are feeling pressure to conform, stay silent, perform, and achieve. She also explored the topic of saying no more can’t. We could be disqualifying ourselves from what God could be wanting for our lives.  



I would recommend this powerful book to anyone who is ready to regain their confidence and they are ready to tap into their full potential. This journal goes along with her other book and it continues on with full questions and space to write down the answers. Each chapter also contain a scripture verse to ponder on. I liked how it had full colorful photos and some of even the author. I also liked how she helped readers to discover their core values, staple values, and situational values. There was ton of helpful ways in bring back your authentical self-back to life. 




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The Home Bartender: Mezcal and Tequila: 100+ Essential Cocktails for the Tequila Lover by Shane Carley Book Review

This book contained over 100 recipes featuring ideas to improve your cocktails and drinks. He explained how the best cocktails can be made with simple ingredients. You can either shake or stir them together. He included some bar tools must haves and nice to haves. He touched on glassware and the differences. He explained in simple to understand terms the difference between mezcal and tequila, categories of tequila and the differences, reposado, anejo, and extra anejo. He enclosed a recipe on how to make simple syrup in a saucepan. The book had ideas for the classic margarita, budge margarita, tequila sunrise, rude cosmopolitan, long island express, tequila lemonade, coconut margarita, end of the lime, apple pie margarita espressarita, and much more. You can either make them frozen or just by mixing ingredients together. 



I loved all of the different flavors and how you can either spice it up or keep it fresh. There are tons of wonderful recipes in this book that I can’t wait to try. I really liked how he had colorful pictures to show off the drinks. It also had a helpful picture of the ingredients and the glassware suggestions. I can’t wait to try some of these new recipes. You can really make these your own. This book will be a hit with having friends over. 





“I received this book free from Cider Mill Press for my honest review.”






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Here For It (the Good, the Bad, and the Queso): The How-To Guide for Deepening Your Friendships and Doing Life Together by Amy Weatherly and Jess Johnston Book Review

The book is centered around the topic of friendships and recipes to make lasting friendships. Some of these enclosed a recipe for grit, speaking up, listening well, humility, grace, self-awareness, and much more. One of the chapters discussed being offended. Amy shared how she dealt with rejection and not being invited to an event she thought they would have included her. She felt left out and she felt hurt. Her hurt turned into bitterness. She began to try and figure out why and she took it as a direct insult. She took the wound to heart and let it fester into bitterness. She finally realized that this was getting her nowhere and her offence was a choice she was making. She explained how we can’t allow our feelings to run the show. She worked with a therapist to discover hidden roots and her experiences with bullying. She learned the importance of letting things go and not being offended. Each chapter she breaks down the good and the bad and the takeaway for each lesson in this book. The book also contained a special recipe on how to make the best queso. One of their suggestions was to buy cheese from the deli because it makes this recipe with better. 




I would recommend this book to women who are seeking a book too build their friendships and relationships with others. There are tons of recipes on how to connect and go deeper with others. The book will help readers to distinguish the different types of friendships, learn when a friendship has run its course, and help you to maintain and make lasting friendships. 




“I received this book free from Thomas Nelson for my honest review.”






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Reconnected: How 7 Screen-Free Weeks with Monks and Amish Farmers Helped Me Recover the Lost Art of Being Human by Carlos Whittaker Book Review

In Reconnected, Carlos Whittaker set out on a journey to rediscover God and himself. He realized that he was being consumed and controlled by technology. What inspired him to do so was a simple notification that stated his screen time was an average 7 hours and 23 mins a day. This is about 49 hours. He decided he wanted to do an experiment and to learn how a monk and the Amish live their lives. He explored how they connect to God and to others and what we can learn and apply to our lives. 




He learned that monks pray a lot and he had a daily schedule to follow. They have meals in silence. He had to write and journal daily with a pen. He explained how he was scared a lot. This was when he realized that he would be spending a lot of time alone in his own thoughts. He shared how each monk had to discover their own gifts and where they fit into the community and their identity. He learned the importance of walking more and how it can even bring health benefits. He encouraged readers to walk without technology and he relayed how alone we can feel without any distractions. He shared how we can sit and contemplate the majesty of God and enjoy His creation. We can learn to really read the Bible and grow closer to God. 



He traveled with the Amish and stayed on a farm filled with acres of land. He at first saw how the Amish eats their meals. They take their sweet time and don’t get in any hurry. Dinner lasted four hours and breakfast 45 minutes. Americans on average eat their meals in under 12 minutes and we keep trying to get done even sooner. This causes stress on our bodies and weight gain. The Amish feel like a meal is meant to be intimate and we are supposed to share stories. They all come together to cook a meal or clean up. They have no technology at the table. They would make sure their tasks were completed by meal time and they would stick to the schedule. They would be busy doing farm chores during the day. They explained how their church would be twice a year in their barn. The church would rotate to each other barns. 



I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is ready to reconnect with God. They are tired of being bound by technology and they are being held back from real relationships and community. I liked how he looked at monks and Amish and how they live in their community. It was really interesting learning more about both cultures and how they live day to day and how that compares to us. 





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Honest to God: From the spotlight, to the pulpit, to the wilderness by John Hamilton Book Review

In Honest to God, John Hamilton questions his faith and wrestles with the nature of God and even atheism. He begins the book by explaining how he was a member of the band, Newsboy in 1983. He admitted to trying cocaine and he wouldn’t ever have to buy it the audience would gladly supply it. He struggled also with drinking and he described what he went through when he tried to quit. He shared a terrifying experience with cops and getting pulled over. He was with some of his band members, Bobby, David, and Mike when it happened. Four cops had guns drawn towards them right in front of the club in front of their fans. The fans began to yell back at the cops which made them even angry towards them. The cop proceeds to kick him in the shin and it forced him to fall forward. He had a wife and kids at home and he wasn’t a criminal. Bobby was carrying his weapon and he flashed his badge at them. The cops let them go and they were a part of the special vice unit. They did arrest Mike because he had a little bit of coke in his pocket. 



In the book, he shared about his faith and how he became a full-time pastor. He felt the calling when he was just 8 years old. He explained how he was drawn to Genesis chapter 12 and the call of Abraham. He connected with the part of how Abraham walks into the unknown and he was told promises from God. He shared how he no longer preaches to explain and now instead he is seeking a new idea of God. He opened up about his father was diagnosed with mesothelioma a fast-growing cancer. He recalled praying for a miracle. He eventually did pass away and he found out of life’s lessons are incised in pain. He revealed how this made him a better pastor and he doesn’t believe in miracles or angels. He is all for prayer though and if we believe that it will help us. Prayer can help you to stay in one piece. 



I would recommend this astonishing book to anyone is ready for a book to challenge your faith and to discover the nature of God. This book can help readers to become honest with God and we can question our faith and doubts. I liked reading about his story with his struggles with drinking, drugs, and sex. He was living the rock and roll dream until it all come crashing down. It was interesting to read about his faith and how it changed over the years. It contained some theology and how he felt it has been watered down. This book can assist you in understanding what you believe and we are left with wondering can we know God. 




“I received this book free from Wildhouse Crossings for my honest review.”




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Lead Me: Finding Courage to Fight for Your Marriage, Children, and Faith by Matt Hammitt Book Review

In Lead Me, Matt Hammitt opened up about his personal story and how he was able to rediscover his courage and to fight for his marriage and be a leader. Matt Hammitt was the lead singer for Sanctus Real until 2015. They had a few hit songs such as, Lead Me, Forgiven, The Face of Love, and much more. In the book, he went into detail about his journey with the band and the life on the road. He felt God was calling in to let go and trust Him to still provide for him when he left the group. He wrote each member of the band a personal letter explaining why he was leaving after twenty years together. His marriage to Sarah had its up and downs and they would fight often.  Readers will get to see a glimpse into their marriage and how Matt realized that he had to make a change. He explained how we can get so focused on our spouse failures that we miss seeing our own.  A lot of the struggle on their marriage was the fact that he was always gone and she felt like he needed to be home more. He admits to most of the fights he can’t even remember what they were about. He is the father to four kids. One of his kids, Bowen had a battle of health challenges that tested his faith and direction for his future. He had congenital heart disease and a host of issues that shaken them. 



In the book, he explained how he was named the barf king. He shared how he was called this because when he was in first grade, he was waiting at the water fountain. He threw up because he struggled with anxiety. The stress grew as he got older and he was diagnosis with irritable bowel syndrome. He covered how he experienced bullying and how this affected him. He shared how he attended church regularly and then it changed when his family was asked to leave the church. They found a new church but still encountered some challenges times. 




I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Christian music and they are ready to discover helpful marriage advice. I was greatly touched by his story and reading the behind the scenes of Sanctus Real. It was interesting to read about the hit song, Lead Me and how it has changed lives and has helped men to lead their families. His wife was the one who called him to step up and lead their family. The book contained very beneficial advice for marriage and what they learned thru trial and error. He also did a blog during the time Bowen was born and it became very popular and even lead to a GMA interview. What was really surprising was how one of his daughters kept have a recurring dream that her brother would die and he was the same age as his parents on stage. I enjoyed reading about the life story of how Sanctus Real come to be and the message behind some of the songs. He also told the story about how the idea of the name of the band come to be. 




“I received this book free from Multnomah for my honest review.”






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