Andrew Smith's Blog

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The Home Bartender: Mezcal and Tequila: 100+ Essential Cocktails for the Tequila Lover by Shane Carley Book Review

This book contained over 100 recipes featuring ideas to improve your cocktails and drinks. He explained how the best cocktails can be made with simple ingredients. You can either shake or stir them together. He included some bar tools must haves and nice to haves. He touched on glassware and the differences. He explained in simple to understand terms the difference between mezcal and tequila, categories of tequila and the differences, reposado, anejo, and extra anejo. He enclosed a recipe on how to make simple syrup in a saucepan. The book had ideas for the classic margarita, budge margarita, tequila sunrise, rude cosmopolitan, long island express, tequila lemonade, coconut margarita, end of the lime, apple pie margarita espressarita, and much more. You can either make them frozen or just by mixing ingredients together. 



I loved all of the different flavors and how you can either spice it up or keep it fresh. There are tons of wonderful recipes in this book that I can’t wait to try. I really liked how he had colorful pictures to show off the drinks. It also had a helpful picture of the ingredients and the glassware suggestions. I can’t wait to try some of these new recipes. You can really make these your own. This book will be a hit with having friends over. 





“I received this book free from Cider Mill Press for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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