Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Honest to God: From the spotlight, to the pulpit, to the wilderness by John Hamilton Book Review

In Honest to God, John Hamilton questions his faith and wrestles with the nature of God and even atheism. He begins the book by explaining how he was a member of the band, Newsboy in 1983. He admitted to trying cocaine and he wouldn’t ever have to buy it the audience would gladly supply it. He struggled also with drinking and he described what he went through when he tried to quit. He shared a terrifying experience with cops and getting pulled over. He was with some of his band members, Bobby, David, and Mike when it happened. Four cops had guns drawn towards them right in front of the club in front of their fans. The fans began to yell back at the cops which made them even angry towards them. The cop proceeds to kick him in the shin and it forced him to fall forward. He had a wife and kids at home and he wasn’t a criminal. Bobby was carrying his weapon and he flashed his badge at them. The cops let them go and they were a part of the special vice unit. They did arrest Mike because he had a little bit of coke in his pocket. 



In the book, he shared about his faith and how he became a full-time pastor. He felt the calling when he was just 8 years old. He explained how he was drawn to Genesis chapter 12 and the call of Abraham. He connected with the part of how Abraham walks into the unknown and he was told promises from God. He shared how he no longer preaches to explain and now instead he is seeking a new idea of God. He opened up about his father was diagnosed with mesothelioma a fast-growing cancer. He recalled praying for a miracle. He eventually did pass away and he found out of life’s lessons are incised in pain. He revealed how this made him a better pastor and he doesn’t believe in miracles or angels. He is all for prayer though and if we believe that it will help us. Prayer can help you to stay in one piece. 



I would recommend this astonishing book to anyone is ready for a book to challenge your faith and to discover the nature of God. This book can help readers to become honest with God and we can question our faith and doubts. I liked reading about his story with his struggles with drinking, drugs, and sex. He was living the rock and roll dream until it all come crashing down. It was interesting to read about his faith and how it changed over the years. It contained some theology and how he felt it has been watered down. This book can assist you in understanding what you believe and we are left with wondering can we know God. 




“I received this book free from Wildhouse Crossings for my honest review.”




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