Andrew Smith's Blog

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How to Be Married (to Melissa): A Hilarious Guide to a Happier, One-of-a-Kind Marriage by Dustin Nickerson Book Review


In How to be Married to Melissa, Dustin Nickerson is the only person who has even been married to Melissa and he wants you to know that. He is a comedian and he will use comedy and humor throughout the book. They got married young around when they were 19 and 20 years old. They shared how they struggled with reading all the typically recommended marriage books. They discovered that they don’t take into consideration that not all marriages are the same. Readers will read throughout the book their ups and downs in their marriage and how they He opened up the book with detailing some examples from a news article about the fights that led to their marriages ending. One was a fight over lunch, another a fight over her cell phone usage, and much more. Little fights that led to bigger issues. They shared a personal story about how they fought one time over a vocabulary word. He explained how fights are never about the fights themselves. In the book, he discussed money, raising children, sex, cheating, in-laws, and family life. 



One of my favorite stories was how he described essential oils, keto, and Crossfit and referred to them as the unholy trinity. This session was pretty hilarious. I also liked the story with his future father-in-law and how they had a funny discussion before he would let him marry his daughter. I liked how he mixed humor and comedy into the book and how he walked readers through some of the challenges they faced. He had special activities to do throughout the chapters and it would work great with couples. It was also interesting to read some of her thoughts in the book at certain parts. 





“I received this book free from Thomas Nelson for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on



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