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Disrupting the Game: From the Bronx to the Top of Nintendo by Reggie Fils-Aimé Book Review

Reggie grew up as a child of a Haitian immigrant and he went into detail about his upbringing. He was able to attend Cornell University on a scholarship. He became the president of Nintendo of America. He did a lot in marketing. He begins the book by explaining how he had a mentor and was good friends with the global president, Satoru Iwata. He was asked to travel to Japan in 2015 right after he was there for the new launch for the products for that year. He had been the president for over ten years. He was called there to be told that his cancer had return. He also wanted to work on the mobile platform that Nintendo was able to launch and he wanted him to play and test some of the games. This device was about to called the Nintendo Switch. He had made personal contributions to games such as, Pokémon, Kirby, and Super Smash Bros. He had helped to do the Wii remote. He explained how he was the only person from the office to come visit in the hospital. In the book, Reggie shared the lessons he learned along the way. One of these was staying true to your beliefs and not falling victim to chasing after your own pride and desire to win. Another important lesson was in business we need to have three types of relationships. They are coaches, mentors, and sponsors and how each of them different. 



I would recommend this inspiring book to anyone who is ready to learn the secrets of business and how a guy from the Bronx rose to become the president of Nintendo. I liked how he included a special section in each chapter entitled, the so what lesson that we can learn. These were very insightful and critical to learning to disrupt the game. This book is a very interesting read and the stories will resonate with readers. 





“I received this book free from HarperCollins for my honest review.”






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