Andrew Smith's Blog

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Burn: The Burn Boot Camp 5-Step Strategy for Inner and Outer Strength by Devan Kline and Morgan Kline Book Review

This book is written by the two key leaders who founded Burn Boot Camp in 2015 and they have impacted an estimated 2 million people. There are camps around the world and they also have socials and videos. They begin the book by stating how when life isn’t going their way, they shift the blame to external circumstances. People use excuses as to why they are overweight and can’t change and they use escape clauses. They shared a heartbreaking statistic that discovered that ¾ of Americans don’t hit the recommended minimum for exercise which comes out to about 150 minutes a week. They explain the most important step is to start moving and how a small act can transform your life. They described how we need to have the mindset that I can, I must, and I will and how if we would truly believe this our lives would change. In the book, they break down the five strategics plan: burn, believe, nourish, achieve, and connect. 




One of the impactful stories presented in this book was about Tiffany and how she faced leukemia. She was exercising regularly and ate a nutritious diet. She decided to focus on the goal of beating this cancer. She shared how she was very weak and she made the decision to move little by little. She chose to move her body even when she didn’t feel like it. She shared how moving has helped cancer patients to beat cancer and the power of a positive mindset. This story was just the one of many who was changed by the power of working out and doing the burn boot camp. They used a shadow technique to replay the tape of things that happened to help us build resilience, gratitude, and emotional intelligent. Another topic of this chapter was transformation our languages and turning the negative language we tell ourselves into positive words. They included a whole list or negative words, positive, and suggestion on how to change your words. This was incredibly helpful in altering how we live our lives. 



I would recommend this powerful book to anyone who is ready to change their lives and to become healthier. It was also interesting to read about both of the authors describing their childhood and how they met and got into fitness. I liked how they suggested to readers to take small steps in working out and eating right you don’t have to make big changes to see results. This book is written as a lifestyle change and not just another diet book. I really enjoyed how they discussed the mental side and how our mindsets can be changed and they walked readers through ways to improve and change. I immensely liked the burn boot camp exercises and moves presented in this book. I also liked the 10 minutes meal plan recipes. In reading through these they all seem pretty simple and easy to make. I also liked the section on how different moods can boost our moods and what they all do for us. This was very enlightening to read and a book that is meant to be studied and put into practice daily. 



“I received this book free from Hachette Book Group for my honest review.”






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