Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Staying Power: A Guided Journal to Living Changed, Connected, and Confident (A Power Moves Experience) by Sarah Jakes Roberts Book Review


She begins this journal by sharing how power is a force in the making and its directly related to our inner confidence. This book is related to her other popular book, Power Moves. She shared a story about how her and her husband was ready to unwind and relax after a long day. She kept trying to turn on the tv with the remote and it refused to come on. She checked the outlet and it still worked. Come to find out the tv was broken and it was something wrong inside the tv. The power was still actively flowing through the tv but something internally was messed up inside it. She used this example to explain how if we still are breathing then we have access to God’s power. She encouraged readers to write down areas where they are feeling pressure to conform, stay silent, perform, and achieve. She also explored the topic of saying no more can’t. We could be disqualifying ourselves from what God could be wanting for our lives.  



I would recommend this powerful book to anyone who is ready to regain their confidence and they are ready to tap into their full potential. This journal goes along with her other book and it continues on with full questions and space to write down the answers. Each chapter also contain a scripture verse to ponder on. I liked how it had full colorful photos and some of even the author. I also liked how she helped readers to discover their core values, staple values, and situational values. There was ton of helpful ways in bring back your authentical self-back to life. 




“I received this book free from Thomas Nelson for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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