Andrew Smith's Blog

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Born to Shine: Do Good; Find Your Joy, and Build a Life You Love by Kendra Scott Book Review


In Born to Shine, Kendra Scott shared tips she learned in business and how we can all shine. In the book, she revealed her personal story about how she built her 20-year jewelry business. It began as a hobby with only $500. Then it has grown to a business worth more than a billion dollars. She shared her struggled she experienced and how she even made a few wrong decisions along the way. She never finished college and admitted to crying into her mashed potatoes about how much she hated the atmosphere of college life. This turned into her father deciding to invest $20,000 into her business idea at the time. She wanted to open up a hat business. She quickly learned that renting a spot at the mall would bring new challenges. Her step-dad was also dying from cancer around this time. She had a dream of also helping her step-dad by funding cancer research. She opened up about watching him slowly pass away and how this affected her. One of the hardest lessons, she learned first about being an entrepreneurship that you can’t be it in for the money. She revealed how there is high failure of businesses surviving to the ten-year mark. In the book, she shared a little about her marriage ending in a divorce but didn’t go into heavily all the details. She also touched on how her own parents’ divorce changed her. But also helped her to become the woman she is today. 





I would recommend this awesome book containing helpful business lessons and ideas to help us in following our own purpose in life. I loved the teachings she shared that she learned in business. One of these touched on hiring the wrong person and how this can negatively impact everyone. She had to fire one person who was bringing down the whole office because of her unwillingly to change and how this can in turn be a very expensive mistake. I also loved the message of yellow-colored glasses and how we need to have a vision and to sit down and write out where we want to live, what our day to life looks like, who we are, how we can help bring this vision to pass, and much more. I believe this was a really powerful concept and will assist readers into following their vision and following their dreams. I also liked how she shared that her mother gave her advice about how critical it is to have a connection with someone else and make it more than trying to close out the transaction. I connected with her personal story about bullying and how we must remember that someone else opinion of us doesn’t need to become our opinion of ourselves. I also appreciated how she included a special reading guide filled with questions at the end of the book. 




"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.”





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