Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Power for Your Day Devotional: 45 Days to Finding More Purpose and Peace in Your Life by Samuel Rodriguez Book Review


In Power for Your Day, Samuel Rodriguez has written a 45-day devotional to assist us in discovering our purpose and being deliberate about what we are focusing our attention on. He chose to emphasis mainly entirely on two key Biblical characters in this book, Elijah and Elisha. Elijah was instructed to mentor and to find God’s next prophet. He found Elisha plowing a field with a team of oxen. He took off his own mantle and placed it on the shoulder of Elisha. This is significant because this means God has now anointed Elisha to leave his plow and follow God’s new purpose for his life. He explained how important farming is and how much hard work this task is and God was preparing him for his new role in ministry. He described how this relates to us and God is also preparing us for our role in His kingdom. This makes it a little easier to endure our painful experiences and to preserve through our challenges. He revealed how critical it is to not abandon the call and to keep pushing forward and in turn will provide us with greater responsibility. He reminded readers to be extremely careful in comparing our mantle to someone else especially with the temptations of social media. In the book, Samuel will assist you in arriving at your mantle and anointing. Each day included a power point, a short message, scripture verse, and a prayer.



I would recommend this wonderful devotional to anyone who is ready to discover the power to preserve and to follow after our purpose. I immensely loved how easy to read the devotions are and it will serve as a great way to begin your day. It will put you in the right mood and help you to tap into the power and anointing and become a co-heir with Christ. I enjoyed how the book went into great detail about Elijah and Elisha connection and how we can learn a lot more from their stories and we can reignite our faith. One of my favorite things, he reminded readers about is that God doesn’t guide us in a straight line. We will experience droughts, famines, fire, rain, and feel alone. We can rest assure that God will be with us every step of the way and we can follow God’s purpose for our lives. This devotional will give you the tools and power to preserve through whatever you may face. 



"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on 




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