Andrew Smith's Blog

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Divine Dispatch: Discover, Develop, and Deploy Your Kingdom Assignment by Lajun & Valora Cole Book Review



In Divine Dispatch, Lajun and Valora Cole explored how God equipped us for His purposes and how He has sent us to accomplish His works. They defined “divine” as, “relating to or coming from God”. “Dispatch” was defined as, “to send quickly for a purpose.” In the book, they looked at the life of David, Joseph, Deborah, David, Jesus, Peter, Paul, Jonah, just to name a few and how they were developed and sent out to do God’s work. They looked how they each found their callings in different ways. Some of these included: dreams, prophecy, prayer, angelic visitation, and more. The book ended with how we are sent and some of these included: to set captives free, bring healing, to teach, to bring hope, to build, and more. 





They both explained how they have been prepared throughout their life by the trial they have had to endure. In the book, they shared how Valora was told by her grandmother that she would be used by God to change the world and to tell others about Him. She shared how she first spoke at a youth conference and then she allowed fear to enter her life. She started to decline other speaking engagements. She revealed how other people spoke into her life that she was supposed to go into ministry. She became freer when she followed what God wanted her to do with her life. Another part of her story was how she was a nurse and got sick and they discovered her left lung was drowning with extra fluid and she had a brain tumor. The doctors explained that they couldn’t do anything else for her. God spoke to her during this event that her life wasn’t over and that she needed to declare His word over her life. A big part of her healing come from worshipping God. He also told her that she would marry. A year after her sickness, she met her husband, Lajun and now they serve in ministry together.  



I would recommend this wonderful book on following and living out your purpose in life. I loved how they into great detail about the different key characters in the Bible about they were sent by God and how they developed along the way. My favorite chapter they explored was the one on David and how everything processed over time and how he was prepared. It was encouraging to read about how we each are sent in different ways to reach people for His Kingdom. 




“I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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