Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

The Essential Guide to the Prophetic: How to Hear the Voice of God by Cindy Jacobs Book Review

In the Essential Guide to the Prophetic, Cindy Jacobs revealed to readers how they can also learn to hear from God and follow His direction and leading in their lives. She reminded readers how God spoke to and through people in the Bible. Some of these included: Moses, Gideon, Samuel, John, just to name a few. At four years old, she remembers declaring to her own mother that she would another baby and it would be a girl. Her parents were done having children but God had other plans. She explained a few different stories throughout the book about how she heard from God. She explained the numerous ways in which we can hear from God and these included, a strong impression, a spontaneous phrase or message, audible voice, dreams and visions, and prophetic word spoken from someone else. In the book, she looked at six different questions we can ask ourselves on discerning if a person’s who has spoken a prophetic word over our lives is correct in doing so. She also explored the protocol for prophesying and the spiritual issues we need to watch out for that can hinder us.   



I would recommend this awesome impactful book to anyone who is ready to listen to God. This book taught inspiring ways in learning how to tap into our prophetic gifts through us receiving our salvation. One of my favorite discussions were on the spirits to watch out for and to be careful in calling others these names: Saul, Jezebel, and Absalom. I thought these were very eye-opening and will help others and to create less of a blockage between a young leader and an older one. I also loved the topic of walking in integrity and she provided five ways in which we can conduct ourselves higher in our walk with God. I also loved the discussion on generational sins and how to break free from them. If you’re looking for an excellent guide on the prophetic, then read this book!



"I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on 


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