Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Veggie Tales: God’s Word for Me: 365 Daily Devos for Girls Book Review

God’s Word for Me 365 Daily Devos for Girls is a new devotional featuring the Veggie Tales. Most of the pages are filled with the female characters of the Veggie Tales. All the pages are in color. Each day enclosed a verse, a short story, a thought, and a prayer for today. The back of the book also enclosed a special section called, “Know It By Heart” filled with scripture.



One of the devotionals discussed the faith of a tiny seed. In scripture, we are reminded that if we have faith as small as a mustard seed that we can declare to the mountain to move and it will move. There is nothing impossible with God. This day talked about planting a seed and how we can plant just a small seed and watch it grow into a fruitful fruit, plant, vegetables, flower, or tree. Our faith can be small and we can still grow it by reading God’s word and learning everything we can about God. We can also go to church and pray to help us grow in Christ’s teachings.  



I would recommend this insightful devotional to any parent or grandparent that has little girls. I believe it would be a great tool for girls aged 3 to 8. This could be a wonderful devotional for parents to read together with their little girls at bedtime or even early in the mornings before school. I love how colorful the book is and how it will engage our children to want to learn the principles found in scripture. One of my favorite days explored Zechariah and how he was asked by people what God wanted them to know. He told them about kindness. It explained how powerful kindness is and how it can change others’ lives for the better. 





"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords/Worthy Kids for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on



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