Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Uprising: The Epic Battle for the Most Fatherless Generation in History by Kris Vallotton Book Review

In Uprising, Kris Vallotton explored the role of a father and how we are seeing a big dilemma in the absent role of fathers. We are currently experiencing the negative side effects in our generation and half of our kids are being born out of wedlock without an active role of a father. He shared how we are living in a feminized society and a part of it is mothers are having to raise them alone without any father present. There are some women who are offended and have toxic attitudes towards men in general. This has led to gender confusion and men aren’t being taught how to protect, provide, and promote. There are also changes in our school system such as the use of pronouns and how normally it is to have two mothers and two daddies. In California, it is now illegal to withdraw your children from these core classes. The book also looked at toxic masculinity and how fatherless homes are more prone to become rapists, violence, suicide, homeless, and much more. 



He explained the Malachi mandate and how the walls of Jerusalem had been destroyed for over 141 years. The Jews tried to rebuilt it for over 94 years and they have been unable to accomplish this task. Nehemiah was able to in 52 days. He would make families work on the walls near their house and they would take turns building the walls and protecting the workers from outsiders. He compares this story to how we need to rebuilt the walls that are broken down in our generation and bring restoration to our world. 



I would recommend this magnificent book to anyone who is wanting to learn more about what we can do about our fatherless generation and how we can change it. I thought this book was one of the best books I have read on fatherless and how it taught us how we can actively participate in leading the uprising that needs to happen. I loved the concept of “The Peter Pan Syndrome” and how this is referred to men acting like a child who are refusing to grow up. This story is a very powerful illustration about how boys tend to stay in their own self-centerless and they stay stuck in Neverland. I also appreciated how open he was in sharing his own personal story about losing his father at age 3 from a drowning accident and he was only 24 years old at the time. He was very open about how this changed him at young age. I also enjoyed the suggest he has on leaving behind a legacy for the next generation. They put $50 a month in a savings account for each grandchild to invest in their future. I thought this was a wonderful idea to bless people for the future. Will you join the battle? 




“I received this book free from the publisher, Bethany House/ Chosen for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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