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Crushing Cancer: A Patient’s Complete Guide to Managing a Cancer Diagnosis by Dr. Kerry A. Forrestal, MD Book Review




In Crushing Cancer, Dr. Kerry A. Forrestal has written a book walking readers through the process of what to do when first diagnosed with cancer. He is an emergency medical doctor and has firsthand experience in helping to treat patients. As of the writing of this book in 2019, there is an estimated 1,762,450 of Americans who will be diagnosed with cancer. 14,483,830 people are living with cancer. 15 million are currently in remission or cured. In the book, he shared a heartbreaking story about his grandfather and how he was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic disease. Kerry was seven years old at the time and he recalls a phone conversation with him explaining to him that he was just hit in the head with a brick and that he would be okay. His grandfather served in the war but he couldn’t stand to be honest with him and explain the truth that he really had cancer. In the book, he first begins by exploring what causes cancer and how each cell varies and can become damaged. He clarified how the doctors classify the TNM system of staging cancers. The book will explore how to manage the budget, what to expect when doing the tests, hospice, funeral arrangements, how to manage our emotions, just to name a few. 



One of the impactful chapters discussed who to tell and who not to tell. He shared how if you are up for a promotion or a new position at work, we can choose to be careful about what we choose to tell. He shared how we may to take into consideration what stage we are in and how long recovery is expected to take. There are times where it would be wise to reveal it at work and not wise. He included helpful tips on helping you to decide who to tell and who not to. He also went into detail about the ADA act and if the cancer would be classified as a protected disability. This was shocking to read about how some cancers are and some aren’t. He also included helpful advice in how to tell kids and other loved ones about our cancer diagnosis. 






I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who is battling cancer or they have a loved one that currently is. I lost my grandmother a few years ago to cancer and had a few other family members who had gone through cancer. I wish I would have had this impactful book years ago. I thought the author was very knowledge in the medical field and he tries to assist readers through their cancer battle. It covered a vast field of information and tons of research. The book also enclosed a deep dive section, storyteller, soapbox, pro tip, lingo alert, and special QR codes filled with more info and some are videos. There is a helpful checklist before you began the fight against cancer. I liked how he also included financial spreadsheets and will help readers to budget. I also thought the healthcare section was very beneficial and it covered a power of attorney and the different types, DNI, living will, and medical history. 







"I received this book free from the author, for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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