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Niching Up: The Narrower the Market, the Bigger the Prize by Chris Dreyer Book Review

In Niching Up, Chris Dreyer explored how we can discover our niche, attract more clients, how to eliminate waste, raise your fees, and handing referrals. He begins the book by explaining how he was working as a full-time basketball coach and detention supervisor. In 2006, he started doing a side job of affiliate marketing. The first website he created was lose your double chin. He made it sort of as a job and it actually made money and was a top-rated site for double chins. He ended up making over 80 different sites and made some money off of them. He started his digital marketing agency and he had a dream of working in the legal industry. He became his own SEO agency. He discovered his niche and was to step into his dream. He also shared the fear of niching and how people have a fear of saying yes to one thing can lead to us missing out on something better. 



He begins the book by discussing the Attack of the Clones, which is Star Wars movie. The movie features tons of lightsaber action scenes and battles occurring. There was one fight that happened that shifted everything. In the distance, there was a random purple lightsaber of Mace Windu. Samuel L. Jackson plays the part in the movie and he was the one who had the niche to ask for a purple lightsaber because he wanted to be different and to stand out. He wanted to easily recognized. He used this exampled to explain how when we are niching and we are doing something that hasn’t been done before we are causing us to stand out from others. 



Another impactful chapter discussed premium pricing and walks readers through how they we can move through different price points. When we become an expert in our field, we can eventually move to charging more for our services. One of these reasons is because our customer will pay for more based on our experience and expertise. He explained how we can collect data on the industry and to see how compare to us. We can also test the market to see what they will support with our higher rates. He teaches readers how important it is to increase the value of what we are offering. 



I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is ready to found out their niche and to grow their business. I like how he uses a lot of guy type shows and movies throughout the book to compare some of these included Star Wars and Justified. I immensely love how he taught readers how to increase their premium pricing and the stages they can use to figure out how to effectively charge based on our expertise. I liked how he described referrals and how we can create and develop relationships that encourage referrals. The conclusion of the book was very beneficial because he broke down everything and how he related personally with each chapter. It was a nice quick overview of the entire message of the book. 





"I received this book free from the publisher, Lioncrest Publishing for my honest review.”





If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on



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