Andrew Smith's Blog

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The Undeniable Power of Movement: The Irrefutable Power Habits Of Elite Athletes, Leaders, & High Performers To Achieve Any Goal by Nicole Mott Book Review



In The Undeniable Power of Movement, Nicole Mott explored the ways in which elite leader and performers are able to catch after their goals. Movement is the secret compound to how they complete their tasks and reach their goals. She created a mentality movement company. This book will try and assist people with self-development, purpose, health, discipline, reducing distractions, mindset, and much more. 



She shared how on November 26, 2006 that her son, Caleb became very sick and developed tics. He was eventually diagnosed with Tourette’s syndrome. He would make motor and verbal tics. He loved to play soccer but he had to learn to dealt with external distractions. He was taught different behavioral therapy to manage it. He would openly speak about it to people around him, where people would understand what he faced. He chose to try out for a major league soccer development academy team and he was selected for the team. The club made him change his role to defensive and he struggled with this new challenge. Tourette’s caused him to overthink everything and he would often ask for feedback when he made a mistake. She used her son’s example to explain the power of movement. The two most important things we need to remember is how we must focus and be discipline. Both of these will help you to reach your goals. 



One of my favorite chapters was about focus and giving our all to the task currently at hand. Multitasking is really harming us and we are wasting time. There is also more of a chance that an error can occur. She explained how this needs to be looked at as a red flag hiring issue. Multitasking often makes us have to reread meeting notes because we missed things for a failure to actively listen. She shared how studies have found that it can also cause a decrease in cognitive performance and affect the gray matter in our brains. She also explored the impact we can have when we choose to use the word no. We can explain that we don’t have the time because we already have a priority. 



I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is ready to continue their movement and to propel into their future. I loved how inspirational this book was and how she taught readers how reduce distractions and to focus more on their goals. It will assist readers in sticking with their goals and planning out their calendar. I thought it was very beneficial in reading about multitasking and I hope businesses and managers would follow this and begin to discourage this practice and help their workers to focus on one task at a time. I also liked how she enclosed questions at the end of each chapter to go deeper into the chapters. 






"I received this book free from the publisher, Mentality Movement Press for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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