Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

The Pathway to Success: Letting God Lead You to a Life of Meaning and Purpose by Joyce Meyer Book Review

In The Pathway to Success, Joyce Meyer explored the real meaning of being successful and understanding what God considers success. The world thinks we are successful if we have a good career, become famous, being wealthy, and receiving recognition. Scriptures explain that we are to be in the world but not of the world. A number of people we view as successful really are struggling with addictions behind the scenes and have poor relationships. Joyce teaches readers that our identity isn’t found in what we do. It is instead found in whose we are. Our true value is in our relationship with Christ. She walks readers through how we must first discover what’s in our hearts and what our purpose is. In the book, she opened up about her journey to her ministry. She included her story about her abuse, first marriage, divorce, marrying Dave, and growing her ministry through the different stages. 






My favorite chapter was about words and how our thought affect our success. It first begins in our thoughts and then they will produce the words that will come out of our mouths. It has been estimated that the average person has 6,000 thoughts a day and often it is mixed with both positive and negative thoughts. We get to choose which we think about on a daily basis. She explained how critical it is to be extremely careful in how we talk about things and the danger in not allowing them to match up in our prayer life. We must pray and believe that good things will happen. We can see ourselves as successful and believe it. She teaches readers on how to rely on our faith and to speak words that will exercise faith and not allowing fear to control us. I also liked how she enclosed a special section about people who have succeeded and tips on how others have been able to do so. One of the ways is turning failure into a fresh start. 





I would recommend this life changing book to anyone who ready to get on the path to success. In immensely loved the core message of this book and how God sees our success and what He views as being successful. I loved how she explained the importance of putting God first in our lives and how this will impact and change our entire lives. Another impactful lesson is the section on ten things God’s word says about us. These are very powerful scriptures to let get down into our spirit and let it change us. This book contains a vast knowledge of what is means to be successful. 






"I received this book free from the publisher, Faith Works for my honest review.”



If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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