Andrew Smith's Blog

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Purpose: Design a Community & Change Your Life---A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Your Purpose and Making It Matter by Gina Bianchini Book Review

In Purpose, Gina Bianchini explored how to take your purpose and use it for the community benefit and have an everlasting impact on the people around you. She shared how Martinus Evans was called fat by his doctor and he instead changed his life around and is not a marathon runner. Nick Jonas, Sarah Lucas, Juliet be Baubigny has used their struggled with type 1 diabetes and they have built a community helping others. She included key examples on how others found their purpose. In the book, she shared how she helped launch social media network, Ning. This means peace in Chinese. This allowed users to create their own entire social media network not just a profile. She is also the founder of Mighty, and her company helps others to discover their purpose and to how we can touch our community. 




One of my favorite chapters discussed digital communities and how important focus and clarity is when designing a community. She explained the three key features to create a digital community. You must first have an idea to bring people together in a sense of community and purpose. The next step is inviting people to join the community. The next challenge is introducing them to one another and having an atmosphere where they can all interaction. 



I would recommend this helpful book to anyone who is wanting to discover their purpose and in turn also to use their purpose for the greater of their community. I thought this book was a little different in the way it approached the topic of purpose. She chose to help reader understand how to create and design a community and use your greater purpose to help and connect with others. I also enjoyed the chapter on quests and having activities to connect members together and explore different activities. 










"I received this book free from the publisher, Mighty Books for my honest review.”





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