Andrew Smith's Blog

My name is Andrew. Come and have a look inside my life and watch me share what is on my heart.

Everyday Courage: 50 Devotions to Build a Bold Faith by John Bevere Book Review

In Everyday Courage, John Bevere has written a new 50-day devotional to assist believers in increasing your faith. There is become a rise in people not standing up for their faith and sharing it boldly. We are afraid of the cancel culture and worried we might offend them. He stated how scripture, Psalm 112:8 encourages us to remember that those who stand in awe of God and are confident and fearless. This can help us to know that the fear of God will shallow up all other fears. God wants to build a strong relationship with each one of us. He explained how we can’t have intimacy with someone if we afraid of them. 



One of my favorite chapters was about Andrew and how he followed Christ despite the risk he faced of being prosecuted. He is the very first very disciple. He boldly told his brother, Peter that they found the Messiah. He did at first flee when Christ was taken and arrested. After Jesus rose from the dead, he preached even if he encountered danger. He was arrested in Greece and was instructed by the governor to stop and he refused. He was sentenced to be crucified and he wanted it to be in the shape of an x. He didn’t feel worthy to be crucified in the same way Jesus was. He was one of the many disciples who were killed for commitment to Christ. Scriptures declare in Philippians 1:6 how Christ has begun a good work in us and how He will complete it. We can all hope to have the courage to live out our faith even if we may face the cost of doing so. 



I would recommend this awesome book to anyone who is ready to live courageously and they are wanting to live out a bold like faith. The devotionals are quick and easy to read and very impactful. I immensely loved the wide range of topics such as, “overcoming defeat, wait patiently in the wilderness, a cure for chaos, reject the fear of rejection, and be ready for the storms”. I enjoyed the personal stories he shared about his own life and how he had to trust God for His provision early in his ministry. Each day enclosed a short story, a verse, and a prayer. 






"I received this book free from Thomas Nelson for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on



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