Andrew Smith's Blog

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The Simple Heart Cure Diet and Meal Plan: 28 Days of Healthy Meals and Over 100 Delicious and Easy Recipes by Chauncey Crandall Book Review

In The Simple Heart Cure Diet and Meal Plan, Chauncey Crandall has written a book to assist readers in reducing the effects of major heart disease. He is a cariologist. He begins the book by sharing how 20 years ago he was close to having a heart attack. He experienced pain in his left shoulder and he thought it was just a pulled muscle and no big deal. He went to the ER and discovered he had coronary heart disease and had an artery blockage. His wife instructed him for years to eat better and to lose weight and he didn’t. He almost suffered the deadly consequence for not listening. He decided to change and he also began to help others. He created a diet that mixed the plant-based diet and a Mediterranean diet. This diet will help with managing your high cholesterol, lower blood pressure, and preventing or reversing diabetes. He shared four key principles in successfully completing the diet. One of these is filling up on fiber and this will assist us in staying full longer. He enclosed a shopping list and a sample menu for a whole month. 




One of my favorite features discussed how we can snack on protein to keep us full and it helps our cells to build immunity. They help us to sleep better and feel more rested. Some of the food items are hard boiled eggs, nuts, Greek yogurt, edamame, pumpkin seeds, hummus, just to name a few. He also stated how important it is to eat breakfast and it has helped lots of people to keep weight off. The book also went over fitness and how to improve and increase how much you exercise. 




I would recommend this inspiring diet book to anyone who is struggling with their weight and are at risk of developing heart disease or other health issues. This book is an excellent resource to use to combat their challenges of losing weight. I loved all of the recipe ideas and how easy they appear to be and quick. Some of these was chicken parmesan, peanut butter waffle, beet brownies, strawberry spinach salad, and much more. There is tons of menu planning ideas and it’s super easy to make it a lifestyle of healthy eating. I loved how the book contains some pictures and graphics to lure readers into enjoying the book even more. 





"I received this book free from Humanix Books for my honest review.”






If you would like to purchase a copy, check it out on


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